The four gospels were written over a period of decades with the last being written 90 years after Christ's death... The four do contradict one another. Matthew states one man outside the tomb. Mark states two men outside the tomb. Luke states one angel outside the tomb. John states two angels outside the tomb. If a Roman soldier stabbed Christ in the side, why does only one book state this? If Christ walked with his followers after his death, why does only one book state this.
These are what you call contradictions. And if there are flaws in the very fabric of the construction around the Messiah, is it any wonder why the rest of the Bible is seen in such a dubious light? Not to mention contradicting Creation stories.
A contradiction exists only when there are no rational explanations. Differences in the Gospel accounts are not contradictions; they are different accounts with differing amounts of detail.
Here's an example. Let's assume a man takes his wife, their two sons, and two of their sons' friends to a baseball game on Saturday.
The dad, taking to his friends at work says, "I had a great time at the ball game with my wife."
One son says to another friend at school, "My friend and I had a great time Saturday."
The other son tells a friend, "I enjoyed being at the ball game with my mom and dad this weekend."
The wife tells her friend, "I enjoyed Saturday since we went out and I didn't have to cook dinner."
Are their accounts contradictions or differing accounts of the same event?
The examples you gave are different perspectives, no argument there. However, when different accounts of the facts of the events occur, those are contradictions. In the same vein as your example, if that same family went to a baseball game, if one son says that Sammy Sosa struck out every time he was up to bat, that's one accounting of a factual event. If the other son says that Sammy Sosa hit five home runs, that's not a different account. That's a contradiction. Sosa could not have both struck out everytime as well as hit five home runs.
Similarly, there could not have been four different accounts of who was at the tomb when people arrived without creating a contradiction. It was a singluar event, but each account has a different set of facts that cannot mesh with one another. Only one of them can be true; therefore, there is the presence of contradiction. Therefore, the Bible is not accurate with every detail. Therefore, the entirety of the Bible cannot be taken literally.
There are no contradictions in the Gospels, just differing accounts with differing amounts of detail. If the accounts were identical, then people would say, they are exactly the same so they copied off each other.
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