I have a tendency to get asked out by girls that I really don't want to go out with wether it's be because i find them unattractive or I just know that i wouldn't get along with them :roll:. And Every Time I do the same thing, I tell them that I'm gay :| I'm not gay and I'm not joking. It's the only thing I can think of that would get me out of this jam without hurting the girls feelings. Suprsingly it never affects my social life though. I continue to go out with girls and it never gets brought up by the chick that asked me out previously (Either she's to unintelligent to notice that i'm dating a girl or the girls from another town and the girl that asked me outs never finds out). So I was wondering how you get out of situations like that when a girl asks you out that you don't wanna go out with?
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