The Taliban is not a miltary force... they are a loosely affiliated group of anti-American and EU terrorists who communicate occasionally and train together even less... they use suicide terror tactics and plant bombs... every time the US and Taliban forces get into a straight fight, the headline always reads "3 US Soldiers Wounded, 211 Taliban Dead"... they are always butchered, so they don't fight like a traditional military...
Afghanistans and IraqsArmy and Royal Guard were defeated in less then a week... those were traditional fighting forces, like the one Canada has, and they litterally gave up after a few days... they stood no chance... remember Desert Storm as well, when the US crushed Iraqs entire military in a little over a week... that was a traditonal fighting force, like Canada...
To compare what the Taliban does to what the Canadian miliraty does is stupid... they are not even the same thing...
Typical US modus operandi:
1. Spend 2 weeks amassing troops on border
2. Spend a week on aerial attack softening up key targets
3. Invade
Canadian Response:
1. Thumb noses at troops on border
2. Cut all power and energy flowing south
3. Watch as most major US cities erupt into social disorder
4. Crack a few cold ones as US sues for peace
5. Demand free lifetime admission to Disneyland for all Canadians as compensation
This is a joke, right? You are aware this is total non-sense... like, its pretty funny...
If Canada did have the power to cut energy flowing South, America would merely get their oil from somewhere else... and in a few days, Canada would be a smoldering mess and the US would have total control over oil reserves...
Your strategy is the same one Sadam Hussien tried to use... you think Canada would make it work?
Yep, I was deadly serious.
However, now that you wish to wrap yourself in the flag and get all nationalistic. You do realize that we could blackout half your population centers in under an hour?And you do realize that we are the largest external supplier of oil and natural gas to your country and that we could also cut those pipelines in an hour?
Fun facts.
The largest supply ofnatural gasin N America is the WCSB...which stands for Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin. When New Mexico lost natural gas service to 30,000 customers in Feb it took a week for the national guard and utility workers from all over the US to relight/restore service for those customers. What do you think would happen when 20 million homes are cut-off?
Oil. Comes from our tarsands. Again. We are your largest supplier. It comes via pipelines from the north. Good luck getting that via ship from the MiddleEast. Another fun fact. There aren't enough supertankers in the world. You see people don't just have unused supertankers lying around. They are already in service. You would have to build new ones. Good luck with that.
Electricity/Power is my fav though.You might recall 2003 when 65 million people went without power across the NE United States when a relatively small problem cascaded across the integrated power network. You might recall the space shuttle photos showing the whole NE blacked out. And alas, your entire grid is connected to ours and you are heavily dependent upon our electricity exports. We could fry your grid faster than you can type a response. Oh, wait your computer will be down so there won't be a response :)
I don't think you quite appreciate how interconnected our countries have become. I could go on and on, but what's the point really?
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