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girls liked me and guys hated me. haha.Perd1t1onSounds like one of my best friends. It actually got to the point that he avoids guys in our grade and hangs out with the seniors instead :P.
It was a small private school so we all pretty much knew one another .dave123321This, although I was still really quiet and not one of the more well known people.
Well Jr. High I was the girl that everyone picked on. I hated Jr. High. High school..well I just stayed to myself most of the time and played video games when I got home till it was time for bed. Don't know what happen when I went to college. Guess I became normal or something. People (boys) liked
I was semi-popular. During 12th grade, all of my class and most of the 11th, 10th, and some of the 9th graders knew who I was and talked to me. I hung out with different groups but I preferred to hang out with a select group of friends the most. . :P
Junior High I was known as a loser, and then high school happened. I was very well known through high school and I had a great time. I really didn't talk to some people my grade though, mostly due to the fact that they treated me awfully through junior high, and then out of the blue a few people heard my name and they now thought they could just walk upto me and have no problem at all anymore.
Being an athelete helps too. You will meet up with a lot of cool people when you play sports, and it's a great time. I miss high school football badly.
Besides my close group of 12 or so, i was that guy in the cla ss talking loudly and making jokes, the kid everyone likes, but no one hangs out with ya know?
High school i was quite poopular...valedictorian anyone?!?!?
Just kidding. I was pretty much just like Seth Cohen in high school (even though i was years ahead of Seth Cohen...i win) except, i did have quite a large amount of friends. I even had friends in other high schools! *GASSP*
I hated my life in University...therefore i hated everyone around me as well. You get the picture :lol:
my highschool was pretty small, only about 400 students. i wasn't popular in the sense that everyone talked to me and stuff, but that almost everyone in the school knew about me because i was the only kid who didn't talk. that and because i graduated with a lot of people that i had 4th grade with. that was the grade i was in when the school opened. people would talk about me. plusmy brother would always shout out "hey there's my brother" whenever he saw me, so that's how the younger grades knew of me. the fight i started also got some attention, i didn't even get in trouble because it was a substitute teacher :lol: there are two other ways that i could have been known. my highschool has a dress code, and guys aren't allowed to have hair touching their collar. my hair touched my shoulders so i definitely stood out, especailly when the fomer principle/ceo, who is now in jail for stealing the school's funding money, yelled at me for it a lot. the last thing was every other friday, the school let the students wear whatever they wanted for 2 dollars, i was the only one to wear the uniform on those days, even when it was free.
I have my close friends, but I have quite a lot of general friends who I sometimes hang out with. It's pretty cool! :) I'm lucky I go to a nice college! :P
my highschool was pretty small, only about 400 students. i wasn't popular in the sense that everyone talked to me and stuff, but that almost everyone in the school knew about me because i was the only kid who didn't talk. that and because i graduated with a lot of people that i had 4th grade with. that was the grade i was in when the school opened. people would talk about me. plusmy brother would always shout out "hey there's my brother" whenever he saw me, so that's how the younger grades knew of me. the fight i started also got some attention, i didn't even get in trouble because it was a substitute teacher :lol: there are two other ways that i could have been known. my highschool has a dress code, and guys aren't allowed to have hair touching their collar. my hair touched my shoulders so i definitely stood out, especailly when the fomer principle/ceo, who is now in jail for stealing the school's funding money, yelled at me for it a lot. the last thing was every other friday, the school let the students wear whatever they wanted for 2 dollars, i was the only one to wear the uniform on those days, even when it was free.
You my good sir are a true non conformist :P.
I am the school. 8)pr0hardgamer
So kids sit inside you for 6 hours a day learning math and history?? (Notices how wrong that sounded.....)
I'm part of the group of the outcasts that have redeeming qualities about them so they aren't forgotten. I have a core group of friends I hang with and I'm fine with that. I'm also friend with the few true popular people, the popular people that aren't popular because they just think they are popular. I'm also in Orchestra, which is a very classless environment, where even the outcasts of regular school hang with the most "Fake" popular kids in harmony.
Let's see. I'm not much of a talker. But, I have a core group of friends (all guys) I hanged out with from freshman through the senior years and also through college (although we attended different colleges). That was one group. We were either neighbors or shared the same interests/hobbies.
I was also a member of the HS varsity soccer team during my JR and SR years. That was another group I hanged out with (again, all guys).
Then, I also did pretty well in academics and extracurricular stuff. That was yet another group (both guys and gals). They're the least I tended to hang out with. But, they're always the ones who'd stop if they saw me alone and dragged me along with them.
All that and I preferred to be a lone wolf. But again, it's nice to know there are people who cared that I existed. I guess I'd say I was popular.
I'm not very popular. I mean I know lot of "popular" people, but I'm not one of them. I don't talk too much, I' different than others (music, way of thinking etc) and lot of them don't like me. They are all clones, act same way dress same way....
But I have lot of friends though. Some of them are in popular group, but are bit smarter. But hey, I live in small place, you know, everyone knows everyone, so it's not so bad
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