Let me preface this by saying that I am 18, so it is not technically running away, but still.
I am very sheltered and I hate living in the south. I want to leave and go to college in another state, but my cheap father wont let me. I want to pursue my dream of working on movies, I will literally do anything, I just love movies. I want to run away out there. I also would not mind living the simple life and working on a farm.
My parents are very protective and try and shelter me. My mother would never let me run away and my dad wouldn't because it would make my mom upset.
I am trying to devise a plan to get out there and to never come back. If I could go the rest of my life without seeing my family, I would be one happy boy.
I know in order to run away that you need to procure a lot of money before hand. I figure if I sell a bunch of my stuff, I could get close to 1k, and I am going to try and get a job. The reason why I havent gotten a job by now is because my parents are so lazy and protective that they won't sign me up for driving lessons. Everything is so far away that it would be difficult to walk that far to work. I'm trying to convince them right now to sign me up.
I need to know what steps should I take to making my dream of running away happen? What do I need to plan for, and do you think 1,500 would be enough to live off of for a month before I get a job at fast food, bus boy, waiter, or my dream, a farm?
I just want some help. Please, anything would be beneficial. Thank you and god bless!
If you plan on leaving your home, and it is all that you've known... and assuming that you're serious (because I'm not clear that I can afford to assume otherwise)... why go straight to California? I would get online and start looking for places far enough from home that you have complete indipendance, but enough like home that you won't just be culture-shocked. Maybe you'd be better off going to a place like North Carolina, which would be a good bridge between southern life, and something more... besides property is cheap there.
In any case, as much as you clearly want out, forget making a bunch of money by selling stuff and living on that... money goes faster than you can imagine. The first thing you need to do is find a job wherever you're going... that goes for California as much as any other place. Be sure you have that job, that's it legitimate, and can support you in your new home. Find a place to live, and one that you can afford with your job. Make a budget on paper, including everything like food and utilities... and make sure that job is enough to cover ALL OF IT.
You do all of that BEFORE you move, or you're just asking for more trouble than you can imagine. I have to say, if your dream is to farm then I don't know why you'd want to go to California, so take some time and look at different states, cities, and the like. You could make this the first big step that shaps the rest of your life, or you could be buying a one-way ticket to poverty or worse. You want out, yeah, but take that time to PLAN.
To summarizie:
1.) Write up a resume, there is free software online to help you.
2.) Take your time, research where it is you REALLY want to go, what it's like, what your goals are there.
3.) Find out what costs of living are in that place, from rent, to food and electricity.
4.) Research to see if you can get any kind of government assistance/grant to do any element of what you plan.
5.) When you've done all of that, find a job in the place you want to go... get it. don't apply when you get there.
6.) Find a place to live at the same time, maybe with roomates, and make sure that you can afford it on that job, along with other necessities.
7.) I get that you don't plan on coming home, but don't burn bridges if you can help it, you never know what the future holds.
8.) With job and a place to live in hand you can do one of two things:
-Liquidate what you have at rock-bottom prices (less than you expect, believe me) and get to your destination.
-Work where you are for that money, save it, and only sell the stuff you won't be taking with you.
9.) If you choose to work for the money to get a start, then you obviously need to do that before #5 and #6.
Having said all of that... you're a young man, and I while I don't know what your situation is, you'd be choosing a hard path. You sound to me like someone who truly is NOT read to do this, mentally... emotionally, but you'll do what you want of course. Consider if there is a way to do what you want GRADUALLY... maybe get some more education under your belt, like a trade so you can make good money wherever you go and use that as leverage for your dream of a farm. I don't know what else to say except that haste is your biggest enemy, and knowledge your greatest friend. Learn as much as you can, be as patient as you can, and good luck.
WOW! That is all I can say. THANK YOU so much for this! I truly appreciate it! And the kind of farms I am looking to work on are olive farms and wine vineyards picking grapes and olives lol. But my ultimate dream is to work on movies. But thank you, for this thorough answer. I will read over it MANY times. Dude, you are the man! God bless!
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