Now that we've established who's "cool" and all... :roll:
TC: You're as wrong as you can get.
Music isn't entirely about "art." I'm not going to pay good money for a CD unless it appeals to me on both the artistic and entertainment levels. It would be like buying a math textbook for "casual" reading: sure, math has an "artistic" value (see: phi) but it would bore the casual reader to tears.
Not only that, but the idea that a band is "only good" if they never get signed to a big label is terrible. The indie scene has many awful bands... just like the major labels. The only difference is how much the band gets paid at the end of the day.
As to the "only a few songs = tool" bit: what if they're the only songs worth listening to? I have Machine Head's entire catalog on CD, but I refuse to put the entire "Burning Red" or "Supercharger" disc on my mp3 player, simply because there are only a couple of songs worth listening to more than once on each disc.
I can understand the concept album argument to a point. Not every artist/band makes them, and not every album by those that do record them are concept albums.
Arrogant... elitist... I'm not going there. You could have made your point a lot less negatively, even if I disagree with it.
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