Your debating skills seem to come down to intentionally misinterpreting posts. Deity_Slapper
I interperet things the way I interperet them. There is nothing intentional going on. You're just trying to make me look bad since you can't prove me wrong.
One feels proof for oneself...hence the term faith. It's personal and I couldn't begin to list how or what everyone finds to be their own personal proof.LJS9502_basic
This part is really funny. :lol:
"One feels proof for oneself...hence the term faith." Faith...which means belief without proof, therefore, any "proof" a person concludes they have recieved is really just wishful thinking. Something isn't proven in reality just because they imagined it to be.
And that term you used, "personal proof". There's a word for that, and it's called an "opinion". Different peoples' perceptions lead to different interperetations, which leads to different outlooks, or opinons, on different things.
How you put PROOF and FAITH in the same context is beyond baffling to me. They are polar opposites. As I've stated before, once something is proven, faith is no longer required.
There is no connectiveness to individuals one has never met. Period. If a child was never told they were adopted they'd not feel they were missing a relationship. This argument is now beyond silly.:roll:LJS9502_basic
You're right, this is beyond silly, because you keep claiming the underlined statement above. Using that exact statement, combined with logical thinking, we come to the conclusion that nobody has a connectedness with god, as no one has ever met god. Is god not an individual? According to your own doctrine, he is. Period.
As far as relationships are concerned, an adopted child may not feel he's missing a relationship (when he's young), as you say, but I guarantee you as the child ages, he'll begin to wonder why he has nothing in common with his adoptive parents. (Looks, personality traits, etc.) Curiosity leads to these kinds of things, you know? He'll ask his adoptive parents why he's different from them, and unless the parents are lying pieces of crap, they'll tell the kid he's adopted. After that point, he'd feel like he is missing out on a lot, wouldn't you think? Not everything is so black and white.
No....there is no logic present. If you can't conceive of something.....you can't put limits on it. That is illogical. And to be honest...foolish.LJS9502_basic
That didn't even make sense. You're so vague all the time and I wonder why... Don't want to get eaten alive? Put out as little information as possible so as to leave your opponent with less to pick apart? Scared of losing the debate?
A relationship with God is innate to the person. It's in the responses they feel they get when talking/praying to God. LJS9502_basic
You'd have to prove god is real first, before this statement can be credible in the slightest. You know that, right?
A relationship with people relies on knowing the people. If you don't know your biological parents and have had zero contact with them...then you have no basis in reality for creating them the way you do. LJS9502_basic
Same thing with god. You have no basis in reality for creating him in the manner you see him as existing. You've had zero contact with god, as has everyone else. Ever notice how different people have different ideas on who god is, what he would do in certain situations, and even what type of emotions he would show in any number of scenarios? Yeah, because everyone (who believes in the first place) has a different idea of who god is. Everyone creates their own god. Everyone sees god how they like to see him in their mind and then they spread that around to everyone else.
Now if there's only one true god, who's is it? Yours, LJS? There's as many different gods are there are believers since you all give him your own characteristics. He's just like Mr. Potato Head; you dress him up the way you like best. :)
*sigh* He made an absolute statement that needs proof. LJS9502_basic
Awww... that little sigh there...that was so cute. But guess what? You make absolute statements all the time that you fail to follow up with proof. So? And why did you ignore the point I made? Forget what he said.
I want you to tell me how a deity would ever come to our attention in the first place without proof of it's existence accompanying it. Makes no sense. It's an obvious fairy tale.
Tell me how god came to be known in our lives, but proof of him existing in the first place failed to make the trip. Because you've only heard of him in a book that was written by mankind. That's why. It's all fake.
One......first you need to understand faith and how it works. Whether you have it or not a discussion CANNOT take place when one doesn't have or feigns that one doesn't have the definition. There has to be a basic understanding before an exchange of ideas can take place. You have not displayed this understanding...yet you sought out the explanation. If you don't want to accept it then don't make a pretense of wanting to do so.
Two.....second you need to understand the term relationship. This I think goes more to the stubbornness in admitting an opinion was wrong and trying (unsuccessfully) to divert the argument.
Three.....you haven't put any points into your post. Just ad hominem attacks. Seriously dude if you can't discuss with me...don't bother responding. I'm bored with this. I prefer actual discussions:roll:
I don't need to prove your wrong.....you do that yourself. You're not arguing points...you're arguing definitions. They're in the dictionary for quick reference.;)
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