I will not.. People saying merry christmas to me is rude...........I come Im an immigrant all these people saying it to my face screw that. stuff should change in USA. happy halloween wth? merry christmas wth? should be happy hollidays for everything!:x
Did you even read what I said?yes.. im jewish dont say merry christmas to me.. idiot.. Respect Immigrants please Just cus you live in a free country dont shove merry christmas down my throat..
its not rude at all, if your a Immigrant, when you come to North America, you should at least learn that to most people Merry Christmas is not connected to religion. just because you celebrate christmas, doesn't mean you believe in god, or even go to church.
stop thinking it has to do with religion, because I am sure every dam kid and adult (most anyways) don't see it as a religions holiday, I have jewish relatives, they accept it, they join in every year for secert santa, every year we gather together, pass gifts out, have a good time.
I think it is safe to say that the only people who are forcing it down your throat is you, and people like you, make Christmas what you want it to be, just spend it with your family.
of course I may be all wrong, but 99% of people I know aren't religious or have a different religion, takes part in christmas, because today it means being surrounded by your friends and family!
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