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Do Lower Body too.... don't be a ******* upper body whore.
And did you buy uno 15lbs or a pair of 15lbs?
how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
Do 10 reps( one curl), wait a minute, do another 10, wait a minute, do another 10DivergeUnify
sorry but what does one curl mean? and when you say reps is it just lifting it up and down 10 times? i dont really get the termonlogy.
[QUOTE="DivergeUnify"]Do 10 reps( one curl), wait a minute, do another 10, wait a minute, do another 10dragonmaster64
sorry but what does one curl mean? and when you say reps is it just lifting it up and down 10 times? i dont really get the termonlogy.
One curl is when you go up and down. Be sure to use proper breathing techniques....The proper and correct breathing technique is to inhale before you lift the weights or do the movement, and exhale during the course of the movement. As an example, if you are doing a bench press, you should inhale during the downward movement of the weights, and exhale as you lift, blowing the air out slowly. Avoid holding your breath at any moment.
i just bought 15 pound dumbell for myself and i know its not alot but i found it to fit me. i heard things about "reps" and im not really sure what it is. right now i want to work on my biceps but im not really sure how many to do. do i just keep going until i get tired? or do i do some then stop then do some then stop? can anyone help me here?dragonmaster64
If its only 15 then do like 30 reps of 4 sets
in other words, do 30 take a break repeat 3 more times
how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
[QUOTE="DivergeUnify"]Do 10 reps( one curl), wait a minute, do another 10, wait a minute, do another 10dragonmaster64
sorry but what does one curl mean? and when you say reps is it just lifting it up and down 10 times? i dont really get the termonlogy.
The reason 15 lb dumbell is useless is because if it's too heavy, you can't do it. If it's too light, you aren't doing much. If it's just right, then it will only help for a week until it becomes uselsss becuase it will be come too light. Not only that, but why would you want to do bicep curls when you can do a better exercise.. like pullups/chinups. Plus, you want to work out more than just your biceps.
how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
[QUOTE="DivergeUnify"]Do 10 reps( one curl), wait a minute, do another 10, wait a minute, do another 10dragonmaster64
sorry but what does one curl mean? and when you say reps is it just lifting it up and down 10 times? i dont really get the termonlogy.
A curl is when you bring it from the bottom up towards you, in a "curling" fashion. A rep is short for repetition, so bringing it up, and then down is considered one rep. A set is how many number of reps you want to do before you stop to rest.
[QUOTE="dragonmaster64"][QUOTE="DivergeUnify"]Do 10 reps( one curl), wait a minute, do another 10, wait a minute, do another 10North-North
sorry but what does one curl mean? and when you say reps is it just lifting it up and down 10 times? i dont really get the termonlogy.
One curl is when you go up and down. Be sure to use proper breathing techniques....The proper and correct breathing technique is to inhale before you lift the weights or do the movement, and exhale during the course of the movement. As an example, if you are doing a bench press, you should inhale during the downward movement of the weights, and exhale as you lift, blowing the air out slowly. Avoid holding your breath at any moment.
alright thanks!
[QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]sorry but what does one curl mean? and when you say reps is it just lifting it up and down 10 times? i dont really get the termonlogy.Vandalvideo Here is a stick figure which will teach you how to curl. A rep = 1 curl. 10 reps = 10 curls. A set is all the reps that you do. 1 set = 10 reps.
i said the same thing about 15 pounds at first but when i lifted it it was actually pretty heavy. even my brother who was in univserity found it pretty heavy for 15 pounds and he does alot of weight training.dragonmaster64
Well he must be weight training wrong if he finds 15 lb. dumbells heavy. I could curl that probably 50 times when I was about 13.. and I was a little skinny kid.
[QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]i said the same thing about 15 pounds at first but when i lifted it it was actually pretty heavy. even my brother who was in univserity found it pretty heavy for 15 pounds and he does alot of weight training.The_Mac_Daddy
Well he must be weight training wrong if he finds 15 lb. dumbells heavy. I could curl that probably 50 times when I was about 13.. and I was a little skinny kid.
Especially if hes in university. Your average kid in university should be able to do 50-60lb curls. Thats a curl.VandalvideoLOL!!! "The outer part of the biceps.... we are doing the hammer curl."
He doesn't even know what a ******* tricep is. How in the hell is he a "doctor".
Do 10 reps( one curl), wait a minute, do another 10, wait a minute, do another 10DivergeUnify
Do this.
Everyone is at different muscle growth stages, and a 15 pound dumbbell may well be just enough for you. Even if it's on the lighter side, just push it hard, do as many as you can until your arm starts to feel a burn, simple as that.
one 15pound dumbell is useless at least get the adjustable ones kemar7856
Maybe it's not useless for him.
And even if he does out grow the 15 pound dumbbell, it should still come in handy when he's toning his mucles, and will probably want to focus on lots of light weight repetitive curls, especially as a come down after heavy lifting.
15 pounds sounds like heavy cardio weights, you know the ones you're supposed to run with and such not muscle builders. I guess you could do simple reps lifting it and see how it goes, if you can do loads of reps easily then you should get a bigger one, personally i'ld rather stick with pushups as i have too much stuf to find a place for as it is.markop2003Anyone who runs with weights deserves the knee surgery he is going to get a few months later.
[QUOTE="The_Mac_Daddy"][QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]i said the same thing about 15 pounds at first but when i lifted it it was actually pretty heavy. even my brother who was in univserity found it pretty heavy for 15 pounds and he does alot of weight training.Vandalvideo
Well he must be weight training wrong if he finds 15 lb. dumbells heavy. I could curl that probably 50 times when I was about 13.. and I was a little skinny kid.
Especially if hes in university. Your average kid in university should be able to do 50-60lb curls.Well I don't know about the average kid doing 50 - 60 lb. curls. Average kid can do maybe 30 lb curls... but someone who weight trains and is old enough for college should be able to get 50 lbs on curls per arm.
The people in this thread sadden me...
Where do you people get off telling this guy that 15lbs in nothing and that he's just wasting his time? Are you this guy? Didn't think so. Maybe he isn't some kind of human Adonis that can lift some ungodly amount of weight. Maybe he should be starting out small, besides, isn't a higher about of reps better than maxing out? That's what I heard in my weight lifting class.
Give this guy a break will ya? Maybe 15 is a good amount for him, let him decide.
[QUOTE="markop2003"]15 pounds sounds like heavy cardio weights, you know the ones you're supposed to run with and such not muscle builders. I guess you could do simple reps lifting it and see how it goes, if you can do loads of reps easily then you should get a bigger one, personally i'ld rather stick with pushups as i have too much stuf to find a place for as it is.VandalvideoAnyone who runs with weights deserves the knee surgery he is going to get a few months later.
you're not supposed to run with weights straight away, it's if running normally becomes too easy, yoour knees should have already strengthened by the tuime you add weights
[QUOTE="kemar7856"]one 15pound dumbell is useless at least get the adjustable ones Hoobinator
Maybe it's not useless for him.
And even if he does out grow the 15 pound dumbbell, it should still come in handy when he's toning his mucles, and will probably want to focus on lots of light weight repetitive curls, especially as a come down after heavy lifting.
There is no such thing as "toning".
how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
30 push ups is pretty good for your age? What are you, eight?
The people in this thread sadden me...
Where do you people get off telling this guy that 15lbs in nothing and that he's just wasting his time? Are you this guy? Didn't think so. Maybe he isn't some kind of human Adonis that can lift some ungodly amount of weight. Maybe he should be starting out small, besides, isn't a higher about of reps better than maxing out? That's what I heard in my weight lifting class.
Give this guy a break will ya? Maybe 15 is a good amount for him, let him decide.
No. To build strength, you want low reps and heavy weight. But anyway, his 15 lb. dumbell isn't the point. It's the fact that 1 dumbell or even two dumbells is useless if it's not used as a supplement to other exercises. Doing curls will do absoluetly nothing if that is all you are going to do. He is better off doing bodyweight routines like crossfit.
[QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
30 push ups is pretty good for your age? What are you, eight?
30 pushups is harder for some people than it is for other, its all about how much you weigh.
Nautilusts, calestanics, stretching, and running are all better than lifting free weights. Also that 15 lb dumbell is goona do jack ****. Just do calestanics (ya thats splet wrong I know) and nautilists. Also run. Your solid then. Also before and after doing those exercises stretch. chester706
For building muscle, nothing is better than free wieghts. Nothing.
One thing that hasn't been said, do not work the same part of your body two days in a row. Lifting weights rips your muscles, and they get stronger as they recover. Work out one day, recover, work out, recovery.VandalvideoOr work out upper body one day then the next day do lower body. Cardio should be every day.
Anyone who runs with weights deserves the knee surgery he is going to get a few months later.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="markop2003"]15 pounds sounds like heavy cardio weights, you know the ones you're supposed to run with and such not muscle builders. I guess you could do simple reps lifting it and see how it goes, if you can do loads of reps easily then you should get a bigger one, personally i'ld rather stick with pushups as i have too much stuf to find a place for as it is.markop2003
you're not supposed to run with weights straight away, it's if running normally becomes too easy, yoour knees should have already strengthened by the tuime you add weights
You would need to be able to run atleast three miles before you start putting weights on. Even as a soccer player, the most my ankle weights go up to is 10lbs.The people in this thread sadden me...
Where do you people get off telling this guy that 15lbs in nothing and that he's just wasting his time? Are you this guy? Didn't think so. Maybe he isn't some kind of human Adonis that can lift some ungodly amount of weight. Maybe he should be starting out small, besides, isn't a higher about of reps better than maxing out? That's what I heard in my weight lifting class.
Give this guy a break will ya? Maybe 15 is a good amount for him, let him decide.
Fifteen pounds is also good for my sister. Missing out on humour by 'giving him a break'.
[QUOTE="Vfanek"][QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
30 push ups is pretty good for your age? What are you, eight?
30 pushups is harder for some people than it is for other, its all about how much you weigh.
In general you judge it by the general weight of a person that age. Someone who isn't fat nor skinny. As far as I know thirty push ups isn't good for any age over about twelve.
I also doubt he's a big guy, considering how much his dumbbell weights. Unless he somehow managed all fat no muscle.
[QUOTE="Vfanek"][QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
30 push ups is pretty good for your age? What are you, eight?
30 pushups is harder for some people than it is for other, its all about how much you weigh.
And it has to be proper pushups. Where you start with your arms aint bend [ur elbows str8] then go down until ur nose touches the floor then back up.[QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
30 push ups is pretty good for your age? What are you, eight?
If you look straight, and do good, all the way down pushups, then 30 in a row is not easy. I bet most of the population cannot do 3o in a row.
[QUOTE="markop2003"]Anyone who runs with weights deserves the knee surgery he is going to get a few months later.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="markop2003"]15 pounds sounds like heavy cardio weights, you know the ones you're supposed to run with and such not muscle builders. I guess you could do simple reps lifting it and see how it goes, if you can do loads of reps easily then you should get a bigger one, personally i'ld rather stick with pushups as i have too much stuf to find a place for as it is.Vandalvideo
you're not supposed to run with weights straight away, it's if running normally becomes too easy, yoour knees should have already strengthened by the tuime you add weights
You would need to be able to run atleast three miles before you start putting weights on. Even as a soccer player, the most my ankle weights go up to is 10lbs.well i did say it was a heavy ruinning weight
i see no point of having any weights where you can do the same with a pullup or press up, if i ever bother to get weights then they'ld have to be adjustable to, i'ld hate having to buy new weights each time they become too light
[QUOTE="Hoobinator"][QUOTE="kemar7856"]one 15pound dumbell is useless at least get the adjustable ones The_Mac_Daddy
Maybe it's not useless for him.
And even if he does out grow the 15 pound dumbbell, it should still come in handy when he's toning his mucles, and will probably want to focus on lots of light weight repetitive curls, especially as a come down after heavy lifting.
There is no such thing as "toning".
Toning as in shaping his muscles and building definition, rather than out and out bulk and size. Small, lightweight, repetitive curls help in this regard.
[QUOTE="Super_Socialist"][QUOTE="Vfanek"][QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
30 push ups is pretty good for your age? What are you, eight?
30 pushups is harder for some people than it is for other, its all about how much you weigh.
And it has to be proper pushups. Where you start with your arms aint bend [ur elbows str8] then go down until ur nose touches the floor then back up.most people dont do pushups right in the first place
[QUOTE="Vfanek"][QUOTE="dragonmaster64"]how did i know that people where gonna talk how little 15 pounds are. well anyway its not that small if i find difficulty with it then it should help. you might think its so small because i usually work out with my upper body (except my biceps). i can do like 30 pushups which is pretty good for my age.
30 push ups is pretty good for your age? What are you, eight?
If you look straight, and do good, all the way down pushups, then 30 in a row is not easy. I bet most of the population cannot do 3o in a row.
No, but it's still an average number. Whether the average population are extremely unfit or not isn't really in the equation. Any person over twelve should be able to performat least thirty proper push ups.
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