[QUOTE="jalexbrown"] Free will might have at one time been a blessing. But people abuse it, and it becomes a curse. Looking at the world today, I don't see free will as a gift at all; I see it as a terrible curse on society. So yes, I would in fact rather be a mindless robot than have to live in a world where people will use free will to blow buildings up (just as one example).tocool340
I understand how you and others could easily feel that way. It's very difficult to look at the world we've created and see a purpose there, see a blessing there, but Free Will is the best thing we could've ever hoped for. By first creating the choice to do wrong, Adam and Eve gave us the ability to experience paradise again. Without knowing or experiencing any evil, we were unable to experience the good. Just like there's no up unless you know down, and you can't know cold without hot. To our limited human experience and perspective, there doesn't seem to be much care from a God that lets us do horrible things to each other, and lets hundreds of thousands of us die in natural disasters caused by Nature. However, at least for those of us who do believe in a higher power, we much realize that things are so much more grand and vast than us and our tiny little speck of existence on this plane. We can't understand or comprehend the planning behind something so universally grand, so often times we are at a loss and ask, "how could God let something like this happen?" It's an honest and good question, that I've posed many times. From my experience though, God will let anything happen that we choose to happen. We are creators here, whether our species is ready to take responsibility for the creation of our world or not, is yet to be seen, but we create our realities, individually and collectively.
Until we take responsibility for this creation and stop blaming God for our mistakes and misinterpretations, things wont change on this planet.
Though I don't really believe in a God, from a story perspective, the only thing I would blame God for is not preventing the root of evil. Instead of stopping the serpent from corrupting everything, with all "its" incomprehensible power, God decided to let it happen. Then when Adam and Eve ate the fruit, instead of fixing anything, God threw a tantrum and decided to use "its" powers to throw adam and eve out of Eden instead of something more useful. "It" wasn't as forgiving to adam and eve like so many blind followers choose to believe. With one mistake, "it" goes and exile adam and even from Eden. If "it" acts like that, I don't see how any christian would think it takes a lot to get on Gods bad side when it only took one mistake for adam and eve to feel his wrath...I've read and re-read Genesis to try and get an idea of what I believe the symbology in it is referring to and the best I've come up with so far is that the story is an allegory for our becoming Self Aware and fully conscious. No longer did we live in harmony with nature and we realized we were "here" and the rest of the world was "out there". It probably frightened early humans, along with many of the aspects of nature that newly aware people wouldn't have understood and would have thought it was God's wrath. I don't believe it was an Original Sin and I don't believe God ever condemned us to sin and death because we evolved to a point where we could choose between paradise and evil. As you said, that whole concept doesn't make any logical sense.
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