Hey OT, I just woke up from my first hang over EVER.
Story: There was at party at work, in the house of a co- woker, everyone was invited, in hopes to see my crush i attended.
I never got fully drunk in my life before, sure i had some tequila shots+ some bears, felt a bit nouseus but nothing serious. Thinking i could NEVER GET DRUNK( i seriously thought this) i drank a ****load of everything ( i thought doing this will make me less shy/awkard towards people) and omg i rememer well, i could barely walk, scare ****less i went to look for my phone to ring my mom so she could come and pick me up, i threw up big time i couldnt talk to my mom well, i couldnt remember the adress, i ended up sleeping in my own vomit or something. Then someone came and pick me up ( like from the floor) next thing i know i m outside puking and two females co-wokers are rubbing my back telling me evertything is going to be okay, i couldnt move, i couldnt talk i couldnt thinkg i was just throwing up :? i got carried around by other co wokers, from place to place i dont remember that part well. Next thing i know i m sleeping in a random sofa and my mom is there pulling me to the taxi.
OMG i couldnt walk right ( this NEVER HAPPEND TO ME BEFORE) i couldnt do anything, i was alone all my wokers had gone i dont know where.
I just woke up, i m ok now but i have to go to work in a few hours, I m soooooo ashame i think i m going to quit and never go back.
What to do? also how was the first time you got drunk?
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