[QUOTE="Persecuted_1"] By the way Theokhoth, here you go:
"Or do you not know that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, shall inherit the kingdom of God."(1 Cor. 6:9-10)
Homosexuals can not inherit the kingdom of god. That's it. Homosexuals. It doesn't say perverts who engaged in homosexual sex. It just says homosexuals. Which means, by being born gay you've been dealt a bad hand, and automatically condemned to hell, even though you had no control over how the situation developed. That's your God blaming you for his design flaws. Nice guy, eh?
Man, do you know how many times a week someone quotes that verse to me?
"The unrighteous" refers to the unsaved, as in, those who have chosen to stay in sin rather than repent through Christ.
Do you honestly think I'm not aware of it?:lol: So please, chill. I'm not blaming God, and I see no reason for you to do so either.
Somehow I missed this post earlier.
You say the unrighteous refers to the unsaved, but that's not what the verse says. It even says "do not be deceived".
The verse says what is unrighteous, and you say that it's referring to those who are unsaved, and still tied up in those sins. Then just being homosexual is leaving you unsaved, as the verse only mentions homosexuality itself as unrighteous, not homosexual acts. So are you saying that you are as of now, still unsaved? You have not repented for being homosexual? Which doesn't make sense since there is nothing wrong with it.
If you believe that this verse is saying what types of people won't be allowed in the kingdom, as long as people have not repented for the stated offenses, then the only way you will get to heaven, is to repent for being homosexual, (since that's all it says - homosexual only, not homosexual acts) and somehow force yourself to be straight, reversing your own DNA, somehow. Which is ridiculous, since you're only homosexual because God made you that way. Why on Earth do you have to repent for what you were given?
You said that you're not confused. I beg to differ.
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