[QUOTE="Deano"] no
it's stupid liberal political correctness to force people to not say certain words that a minority don't like
can't even call black people black anymore
a blind person is "visually challenged"
This is different, since the problem isn't with calling gay people gay but calling something gay when you mean you don't like it and then claiming you have no problem with gays. It just sounds inconsistent. Hell, I wouldn't even say that it shouldn't be allowed, of course it should be allowed, I'm just saying it sounds rather hypocritical.
That might be a valid point if "homosexual" was the ONLY meaning of the word gay But it's NOT. So I don't see how it's inconsistent to say that something is gay in a derogatory way, but to still be a total supporter of gay rights. It's about context. I don't get upset every time of of my white friends says "that word that is usually used to refer to black people". It's a matter of context. I also didn't get upset at LOTR, even with its excessive use of black-is-bad symbolism. Again, it's a matter of context.
So when someone says something like "that movie was gay or something like that, it's sort of hard for me to say that they were implicitly referring to homosexual people as being bad. At the very least, I just think that drawing such a conclusion is sort of a stretch.
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