To TC:
I understand what you're saying. I know where you're going with with this. It's just too bad that money is power in todays world now. And, the people in power aren't really in power.
You're voice is the beginning of the revolution of the free world.
Godspeed Comrade!
Money is the great corrupter. I am thinking that a state in which there is no money would be better. It would work like this:
All the property is classed and is owned by the government. The hardest working and/or most intelligent get access to the best property.
The direct form of "wealth transfer" are basically little computers which allow the consumer decided how much the state should "reward" the supplier. Example: say you had a bad haircut and you didn't feel like paying the hairdresser a lot, you would select the service that was given to you (aka: normal haircut) and decide from the lower end of the possible amount of (lets call them points for now) that the service provider should get.
So the consumer will-privately-decide how much the service or product provider should get. If the provider was a D-bag or if he was a friend the amount of "points" he gets would greatly differ.
People that worked in dangerous jobs, charity, teaching, government jobs would also have high rewards. It would encourage support from the mostly directly democratic state (using technology it will be possible for anyone who wants to to vote at any time on the big few matters the government is debating on.) Free speech and direct democracy will be the pillars of government. At last a "true" democracy instead of the failed representative democracy which gives you a choice between what is basically 2 people you don't want in government anyways...
Note: this is an extremely short and incomplete summary of how the economy would work in such a state. I just can't be bothered typing in thousand of words one here :( At least you have the gist of what I am saying.
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