I mean why? It doesn't matter anyway I mean if I don't get caught I can enjoy raping, robbing, and killing. It won't matter when I die because I will be gone. You might think it is wrong but how? Morality is man made from religion. There is no righ and wrong. -Dark-Rain-
You can live in this barrier. Life is a obstacle, religion is a strategy. But its ultimately control, unless of course, you don't mind or you don't know. I think people who truly believe in religion, are genuine and innocent like children.
I don't think you would have the guts to rape, rob, or kill even if God was proven to you that He certainly doesn't exist. For you to do that, you would have to transform in life, kind of like being reborn in a Christian sense but for a different cause.
Morality, its so simple. Humans percieve reality through their own lenses, senses, changes. Emotion manifests thought, thoughts manifest words, actions and reality. Right or wrong, call it what you want, it is what it is. Kind of like now, how your percieving your ideal idea of what morality is, yet your whole theme is wrong. But its not your fault, your just learning. Let me correct you, so you can look through your eyes again, heighten your senses, and change your perception of things.
Morality is man made but it is in man. Religion comes from man where morality can be found. Look around the world and you can find moraility in other texts, scripts, scribes of ancient documents before the new testament even spread around. Its difficult to say where or how it came to be, but as our brains got bigger we endured changes. In Darwinian terms, It could have helped make tribes communicate and help each other because they lived together and woud cross each other again.
Man and higher animals like primates have instincts in common. Same senses, intuitions, sensations, passions, emotions. Even the more complex ones such as jealousy, curiosity, suspicion.
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