If God knows everything...then not only would he know everything you're ever going to do, but he would also be aware of everything that he is going to do. Ever.
So basically, that means God knew he was going to flood his own corrupt world, and punish people unfairly after they do what he knew they were going to do, and knew he was going to have a world full of famine and disease before he even made it. And he knew he was going to blame it on us afterwards too. Sad, huh?
But the real point I'm trying to make is, if God knows everything, meaning he knows what he's going to do before he does it, then that also means he's anchored to a pre-set destiny that even he cannot change, because even if he wanted to make changes, he would already know he was going to make those changes before he goes through with them. In fact, God would even know this too, from being all-knowing. But if God is confined to a destiny that even he cannot change beyond his means of knowledge beforehand, he is just as much a slave to design as the rest of us. Thus, he is not all-powerful, because he cannot change his destiny. He would just be a being that happens to have more abilities than we humans do, but not unlimited in his ability.
Knowing everything you're going to do before you do it would leave you without a meaning to live. There would be nothing left to explore or learn. It would be as if you had already lived and seen it all. You'd be just as good as dead. Nothing new to feel, see, hear, or experience in any way. It would literally be a permanent state of limbo - being forever stuck - which is equivalent to not living at all. And if you're saying that God made us to have a reason to live... well, not only does it make God look like he's dependent on us to have a meaningful life (in which case, he should treat us better than he does with his tasteless ultimatums), but it also falls under the category of what he knew beforehand, thus it nullifies it's meaning. Therefore, God's existence has no meaning, and anything that has no meaning, couldn't exist.
The characteristics given to God by the people who created him, are flawed... as flawed as the beings themselves. They didn't think about how all the attributes they were assigning to him are blatant impossibilities, too far-fetched for anyone of at least medium intelligence to believe, and how building an entire empire upon a foundation of wishful thinking is a complete disaster waiting to happen. And look what we have nowadays... the disaster that was waiting to happen, has happened, because of these people's short-sightedness. Wars are born from religious beliefs. Wars that would not have happened otherwise. All because of people gripping way too hard to their fantasy of choice, rather than humbly giving an effort to understand each other. What a complete debacle, and an embarrassment our religions have made out of our species. Or perhaps, the religions we have invented are simply indicative of how ignorant we've really been all along? Now that would be something to be embarrassed of. Whatever the case may be, you can be sure of this: Almost all intolerance among mankind is influenced by a religious belief of some sort.
So the bottom line is, we need to do away with our silly little fantasies of a higher being whom we have never seen, because it has caused us way too much hardship. In the interest of preserving the only life we know, we should put these far-fetched fairy tales to rest. Forever.... or at least until we try another route, and if we come up short, then we can go back to what we had before.
We were ignorant to think that we knew where we came from without any proof of such. We were foolish to believe that we are so special that everything that has ever happened was done just for us, by a being who is much like us, and always has our interests in mind. Why don't we just wait until the day we discover the actual source of our existence, before jumping to silly conclusions like a big bearded dictator in the sky, for example. It's OK if we don't know yet, there's nothing wrong with that. And we can find out one day, possibly, if we really want to, I think. But whether or not finding the source of our existence is a possibility or not, one thing is for sure: We will never find it if we keep deluding ourselves with this myriad of meritless fairy tales.
I say, that in the interest of knowing our true origin, and reaching true enlightenment, we leave these stupid religions behind, and go searching, one way or another, for the real truth. If there really is a caring, understanding God, I doubt he would be angry with us for being curious, and having a hunger for more knowledge of ourselves. Heck, he would know we would want to do that before we do it anyway, right? What's there for God to be mad about? I think we've been misinformed, purposely in fact, by those who wish to control the rest of us. They want you to be scared of an unseen higher power, so as to condition you into a habitually submissive state, to make it all the easier for them to push you around...
So, live a little. Explore what intrigues you. And don't live life looking over your shoulder out of fear for a being that you've only been told exists, but you have never seen, and could never understand anyway, even if he existed. Just let go. Your creator would understand everything you do anyway, if you indeed were created by an omnipotent creator. God could never be mad at you, if he made you... that's impossible, unless... one horrible possibility is true. The possibility that God is just a cruel, oppressive dictator who gets off on punishing those weaker than him. As long as this one possibility is not reality, there would truly be nothing to fear. Live free.
-- I_Am_Rage
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