Though I'm sure they might be out there, I've never heard of a Christian denomination that believed you wouldn't go to Hell if you'd never heard about it.guynamedbilly
Well, they maybe didn't say that because the Bible doesn't say that, it doesn't comment either way. But the fact that salvation in christianity is determined by faith and not works, tends to point towards a nasty realization about a "loving God". But a lot of christians I've interacted with growing up in the faith said people ignorant of Christ were exmept from hell anyway. Why? Well, despite the fact that you haven't heard of a denomination that says you wouldn't go to hell if you didn't hear Christ's message, I doubt you'll find more than a very small handful willing to say they believe babies and small children who die before the age where they can hear the message of Christ and accept him are going to hell. Despite the fact that the bible doesn't comment on that either.
Like the baby thing, the ones who do say it so do because it is very comforting. The thought of their God condemning people to eternal torture and suffering for being born in a remote part of the world, or being born before Rome made Christianity big, is pretty terrible. It goes against that whole "loving God" thing in a major way. The thought of God throwing babies in hell, well, that's just repulsive. (not to mention blatantly evil) Can't blame them for simply assuming God meant to say these things, but just didn't have time to say so when he was faxing the bible into peoples brains for them to write it. I mean really, if a non-believer asks "what happened to all the people who grew up in another religion and were good people but never heard the good news of Christ" and he is told "they were all sent to hell because salvation is determined by faith not works, oh but he is a loving God!", I really doubt they would convert. So, that's why those who say it, say it.
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