[QUOTE="jalexbrown"]Most people are willing to accept even the most liberal or inaccurate English translation as "good enough". But reading the scripture in the original language really brings a whole never level of spirituality and understanding and insight to the process of reading scripture. Every Jewish convert that I know says that they'd never want to go back to reading English translations of the Tanakh.GabuEx
Well, there's liberal and inaccurate, and then there's the King James Version, which has such gems as the inclusion of dragons, satyrs, unicorns, and other mythical creatures due to the translators just making **** up because they didn't know what words meant; blatant mistranslations such as using the word "turtle" instead of "turtledove"; overly complicated phrases like "gave up the ghost" when the original text just says "died"; very formal language despite the fact that Jesus spoke like the commoner that he was in life; finding the word "hell" 40 times more than basically any modern Bible due to the insistance that Sheol and Hades mean "hell"... it's just terrible. And the worst part is that there are people who believe that it is the only valid English Bible to use and that all others are corrupted, mostly on account of the fact that they use the Westcott-Hort Greek New Testament as their basis, whose text is originally Greek, rather than the Textus Receptus, which was translated to Greek from Latin.
...Yeah, this is kind of a pet peeve of mine... :P
...but I have faith in unicorns!!! :cry:
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