[QUOTE="DrTrafalgarLaw"] Hateful? What is "hateful" about denouncing a regime/tyranny? I have nothing against jews, it's the current and past zionist governments I've had problems with. Oh wait, I forgot...critisizing jews or jew-related issues makes me a hater or anti-semite. How can you approve of the zionist government building more estabilishments on palestinian grounds and driving the former owners out? Palestinians don't even have control over their own water supplies ffs and powers goes out regularily. Palestinians are COMPLETELY out of touch with the external world because of the walls and checkpoints. Has humanity not learned from the berlin wall? The people over there want a solution, both sides. The zionists have killed dozens of MY people on the turkish flotilla on INTERNATIONAL WATERS. Why does the whole world not even bat an eye at what Israel is doing? If you believe in a god like I do, in your case hashem (I think), you also believe we all be judged for our crimes and sins. Do you really believe acting like this will put you in God's grace?DrTrafalgarLaw
You're comparing it with the holocaust. Accusing Israel of something like that is indeed anti-semitic. Either you're making the holocaust much much less than what is is. Or israel much much much worse than what it is.
In the majority of cases the "establishments" are not on palestinian grounds and no one is driven out. In the few cases where this happens (if at all) I would of course be against it if it's on palestinian privately owned land.
Do you know why the "wall" is there in the first place? That "wall" has saved hundreds if not thousands of lives on both sides. And have you been there? I have and they're far from "out of touch with the external world". You can't compare it with the Berlin wall. The berlin wall was there to keep people from escaping from the communist regime whereas this "wall" is to keep terrorrists outside of Israel. And not surprisingly terrorist attacks has decreased with like 95% since its construction.
What the hell are you talking about? "Not bating an eye"?? Ever heard about something called the UN??
And why are you bringing this up without its context? First of all I really don't care if it's international waters or not. The flotilla was headed for Gaza so it's only a mere formality where it is intercepted. And it would have been technically impossible to intercept it earlier. Secondly Israel offered to take them to Ashdod to get the "supplies" into Gaza by land. But no they wanted to break the blockade which really is an act of war.
I'm not an adherent of Judaism I'm a Panendeist. So yes I do believe in God but not in the exact same way as you I would pressume. I don't know what to think about the afterlife. But if would think about it it would either be reincarnation getting closer and closer to God or a form of purgatory where you're being purified until you're ready for God. In any case yes I do indeed think Israel's actions in most cases are justified and I'll stand up for what I believe in. I try to be as good person as possible and think morally. If you dissagree that's your problem. I've read alot about this conlifct and is knowledgable enough to make my own judgement.
Though fyi if I was adherent of Judaism I can tell you it focuses alot more on living a good life now and not on the afterlife so much.
I'm not comparing it to the holocaust, that would be disgraceful to the ones that went through the holocaust. The person comparing it to the holocaust was not me but someone that got quoted. That being said, no...I don't approve of Israeli government and don't think their actions are justified. Jews and muslims were living in peace yeaaaars before jews started to claim a state of their own. And these are not my words, these come from documentaries, taken from interviews with both the jews and muslims/palestinians. The extremist zionists are at power now.
The closest we ever got to peace there was the Camp David agreements with Sharon, Clinton and Arafat...but the agreement was rejected because it still didn't grant palestinians control over their own waterpipelines and water supplies. We won't ever get peace over there, why do you think people vote or had voted for HAMAS? If you have nothing to lose, which is their current situation right now thanks to Israeli government...you just vote for the "destroy/demolish all" option...you will fight to get your freedom back. Israeli goverment is not willing to make any amends and is not showing any sign of wanting peace. Their goals are clear, create a bigger army and bigger amount of people to take all of Palestinia for themselves, not concerned with global opinion or anything.Idiot: Israel just loves war. Look at the mass-murder it committed, its just like/or even worse than the Holocaust thing.
Me: wtf is this a joke??
You:No, read up on what the Palestinians have to endure because of Zionist tyranny.
First of all that's not true:
And Jews have been living as dhimmis all the time under muslim rule. Anyway what you're saying is that Jews shouldn't have claimed a state of their own (like every other people) because it upsets Arabs & Muslims?? Jews should be subjects under someone else's rule and not being able to practice self-determination because it upsets them?? So this is an issue the Arabs & Muslims have with Jews not the other way around. Jews just wanted the basic right of self-determination and not be subjects of someone else's rule.
Actually it was Clinton, Arafat & BARAK. And no the failure had nothing to do with water. The Palestinians simply wouldn't make enough concessions and wanter more territory and refugees. Most people including clinton blamed this mostly on Arafat.
Are you kidding me?? Not wanting peace?? It's Mahmoud Abbas that does everything to avoid peace talks! This is what Netanyahu said:"Now we're in the same city, we're in the same building, so let's meet here today in the United Nations," but of course Abbas refused.
Take all of "palestinia" for themselves? Listen they already had all of the West Bank & Gaza over 40 years ago. Since then they'd only ceded more and more of these territories. For example after 2005 they control 0% of Gaza. So no that is not their goal. And they're not "creating a bigger army" in the sense you mean it either. The military consumes about 7% of GDP compared to 24%, 30 years ago. So in 30 years the army has gotten less and less money.
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