[QUOTE="creepy_mike"][QUOTE="irelevent"]men are the reason women can do anything. was it a man or a women ho created the tampon, birth control, who voted for womens suffrage before women could vote?
Umm, wow.
1. Before women were allowed to vote they....weren't allowed to vote, so who else could have possible voted for their suffrage? Surely you see the circular logic in that.
2. It also would have been men who voted against women's suffrage, I'm afraid.
3. How do you know that tampons and birth control were invented by men, and why is that even relevant?
4. Like foxhound said, women haven't had very much socio-politcal power at all up until less than a hundred years ago, and this is because, like it or not, they were oppressed by men. And now you're holding women responsible for their own hinderance and maltreatment at the hands of men and for not having thousands of years of progress under their collective belts? Whatever.
1. exactly, men did.
So its women's fault that they were forbidden, by men, to vote to begin with? By your logic, white people are the reason minorities can do anything. I'm sorry, but you don't get points for oppressing someone and then eventually lifting the injustice that never should have existed in the first place.
2. Yet the law was passed.
*Sigh* Not the point.
3. you can Wiki it, created by men. do you realise that at one time Womens periods was basically 2 weeks of having to sit on your $#@ in pain. and that girls wanted to get pregnant, to not have periods.
So they were each invented by a few men. Does that mean that a woman couldn't have done it? No.
4.Please enlighten me on how they were "opressed"
You may not know this, but for hundreds of years they weren't allowed to vote.:roll: They've also been beaten, forced into prostitution, denied any sembleance of civil liberties, all with full official support from local governments and clerics. For you to look at the history of world religions, politics, and cultures and not notice any blemish on women's rights *anywhere* is a profound feat of willfull ignorance, and one to which I've already payed far too much undue attention.
I may or may not take this up again in the morning. Nighty night 'til then.
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