Let me be clear in saying that I never actually claimed that you were superior. I just wanted to make that evident, because that you've considered some superiority over others seems implied at times.
And let me reiterate that, theologically, there is a difference. I haven't dodged anything, by the way.
As for your point about every act being selfish, sure, that's a relevant argument. Most human acts and thoughts are selfish. That is why a primary teaching of Christianity is to disregard "self" with the help of God.
As for you not being here to insult anyone, fair enough. What I said that you quoted was a quick attempt to see if I could be one step ahead of you (in a lighthearted sense, so we're on the same page), as you seem to be a capable troll when you see fit to be.:P
"that doesn't make you superior"
"Let me be clear in saying that I never actually claimed that you were superior."
Am I missing something? I'm pretty sure you actually did say I believe I'am superior, right there.
Who are these people I feel superior over? Where are these posts that I feel superior about? I'am honestly so confused right now.
Why on earth don't people ever ask questions? If you don't know something, and you clearly want to know something, why don't you just ask? You think I'll lie, check it out, I'll never lie to you on this thread, I just gave you my word. Thats more concrete than your religion (jokes, jokes, I was kidding, chill).
You have dodged, I said if there is a difference, you'd be able to prove it. You haven't proved it, so yea, I'd call that dodging. I'm pretty used to it having discussions with christians and the like.
You didn't answer my question though, so I'll ask again. If there was a person, who every single act they ever made, was a sin (in this case, selfishness), what is that person? Lets assume they ask forgiveness for every single sin. And you interpret them as actually wanting to change their ways. But magically, you know that they will continue to sin just as much until they die. What is that person? Is that like a good christian? Or a bad one? What word, or definition would you apply to that person?
Yes, well first of all I do not intentionally troll religious threads. I thoroughly enjoy discussion religion with all religious types, until they attempt to convert me, then I make things extremely unpleasant for both parties.
I speak in such a way that 90% of the users on just about every website assume I'am "somadbro" or trolling. This is how I talk, simple as that. You are getting the same person on this forum, as you would if you and I were speaking in person.
On the other hand, I'am actually quite talented at trolling if I do say so myself. I care for gamer communities, and since about 2001 I've been trolling trolls. Let me reiterate, I do not troll anyone, until someone decides to troll someone else. Some people can't handle trolls it makes them angry, and ruins their experience, and makes them not want to post on websites anymore, which makes me sad. Without going into detail, I'am very familiar with people with psychological issues, so I know how to make the trolls happy, which makes the users happy.
You want an example? I could give you tons.
Battlelog (BF3.com basically) I'am probably the most well known troll on there, and all the users love me. Because not only am I better than all the other trolls at the game itself, but I put them all in their place, and they never, ever post when I'am posting. They are scared, it makes the community happy, which makes me happy.
Why did I tell you all that? So you know I'am not trolling you, so you know a little bit about me, and understand that I'am having this discussion, because I enjoy discussions.
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