More government programs and taxes are progress?
Everyone else is doing it, and the only reason we have not ventured to that is because of Reagan and his idea of 'limited government'.Just because everybody else is doing it doesn't mean it's a good thing. Higher taxes and deficit spending cannot be a good thing for any country.
Government in this country shouldn't be large. Again, there is NO reason we have to copy the systems of other nations.
So success in other countries regarding their healthcare is something we should not emulate, if not improve? It's not like they're failures, and anyone who says otherwise are rather ignorant, or just straight up liars.
The government needs to protect the people's rights, not take responsibilities away from them.
Responsibilities like what? Getting a good enough job so they can afford healthcare?Poorer people are more likely to subject to death because they can't afford healthier foods because food that isn't healthy is cheap, live in less polluted environments because there isn't more regulation on environmental matters, and influenced by dangerous people because of the lack of police services.
Regan's idea of limited government would be great if he wouldn't have also jacked up spending on the military like he had. The idea of small government and a large private sector isn't a bad thing. It's only really bad when you start deficit spending like mad. Now it's coming back to haunt us. Instead of reducing and maybe increasing taxes here and there to make a surplus, we are given a couple trillion dollars more in spending.
We did have a surplus at the end of Clinton's years, so he must be a hero of yours.
How is that progressive? Feel-good policies like health care and social security don't make for good laws. They take the responsibility of the citizens and puts it on the state, which in turn puts the responsibility on everybody, not just those who it's effecting.
Would not taking care of those who cannot fulfill their responsibilities just be as irresponsible as not helping a man who has no legs? He wasn't responsible enough to keep them, so I guess he has the responsibility to not have any support.
The US is not built on the idea that everybody is fair. The only thing we are all supposed to be completely equal on is our rights as laid out in the Constitution. We have the right to peruse happiness, we have to catch it ourselves.
Subjective. Nobody knows what the US is built on because everyone has their own definition and own thought of how society should work.
The idea that you can take away personal responsibility and give it to others isn't progressive, it's actually a step back as it slows all sectors down. Then we have some serious problems.
Define 'responsibilities' that the people must do for themselves.
I largely disagree. Admittedly, I'm a bit slow to responding to this.
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