[QUOTE="SmithWesson642"][QUOTE="Nwordjohn"][QUOTE="SmithWesson642"][QUOTE="Nwordjohn"]Its propaganda designed to raise American sentiment against Iran. "Iran thinks its the best? NO WAY WE ARE" is the reaction they're trying to raise in you. It really does amaze me that people don't realize that most of these articles and news stories being fed to them are just part of the psychological warfare that is propaganda.
Iran has done nothing wrong. There is no reason to invade them. If you do, you are the bad guys. Period.
If they tell us to invade Iran, then we have no choice.
That is exactly why I miss the 70's. When people had enough balls to stand up to their government's warmongering and protest. They're not going to stop unless people en masse show up outside the white house to protest it. Too bad you've already sacrified enough of your constitution that you would be considered terrorists and would be held without trial.
I'll be honest, Iraq isn't anything compared to Vietnam.
I'm sure if as many people were dying in IRaq as Nam, then people would stop joining the military, and civilians would be protesting ALOT more.
Are you implying that Iraqis are not people? Because the death toll for the civilians and "combatants" in Iraq is well over the million mark now. They down play it on CNN and Fox news because those are basically the neo-con mouth piece for Americans. The fact that human life isn't valued by people because of the nation they are born in is just disgusting. I'd choose an Iraqi over an American any day of the week and I'm not the only one. At least they are actually fighting the oppression thats being put over them. Enjoy your Patriot Act, Victory Act, Freedom Act, SPP and all of the other laws passed to protect you from "terrorists" while in reality they are stripping you of your Freedoms. Of course, you need to fight the terrorists.
Totally agree man. They seem to think that Iraqis are less human and worthwhile than other humans, it sickens me that they would even consider this. Tell me (not speaking directly to you) what has the Iraqis done? It has been proven and confirmed that they have NO connection to Al Qaeda, thus warranting no immediate war as many of those in the Bush Adminstration have stated. They have done no wrong. Our government didn't like the approach in which Sadam was choosing to deal with the oil crisis, so they decide to begin this war with Iraq.
Now, presently, we have primairly Americans showing no respect or compassion to the many deaths of Iraqis, and even Troops and political leaders seem to not care. Completely sickens me. 'A dead Iraqi is just another dead Iraqi... You know, so what?', states a US veteran. [http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/a-dead-iraqi-is-just-another-dead-iraqi-you-know-so-what-456905.html]
And here were are now praising our troops for all the sacrifices in which they commit, it is truly minimal compared to the total destructions caused in Iraq; it will truly never recover. "Iraqi Dead May Total 600,000, Study Says" [http://www.nytimes.com/2006/10/11/world/middleeast/11casualties.html]. This is only a study, me estimate? I'd say 700000-800000. And he we are mourning on deaths of 4000 troops. Let the famalies mourn, we must acknowledge the significant deaths here, the innocent children and famalies who have done know wrong but the stand up for survival. Rather, we praise the volunteers who are fighting a never-ending war, fighting for the unsignificant agenda in which our government holds.
Here I am typing what I believe. You might find it shocking but its true. Our western society (mainly the states) seems to have no compassion and no feeling for the destructions in which our country has caused. But it seems that we have no choice to continue this, becasue as soon as one speaks out with truth, the other is sure to quiet the outspoken individual claiming that they are a traitor or terrorist.
"We laugh at sheep because sheep just follow the one in front.
'Ah stupid sheep!'
We humans have out sheeped the sheep, because at least the sheep need a sheep dog to keep them in line.
Humans keep each other in line. And they do it by ridiculing or condemning anyone who commits the crime, and that's what its become, of being different."
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