It's just poorly drawn characters with exaggerated features....
![Ghost In the shell](
Ugh, you're right, anime is poorly drawn. I mean just compare them to american cartoons.
...with exaggerated features going "I HAVE FIRE BALL MEET YOUR DOOM KOGURASHI!" Lots of flashy stuff happens in the background while the two people fighting float in the air but never touch each other until it's zoomed in so close on their faces you can see their skin cells.
Grave of the Fireflies - Taking place toward the end of World War II in Japan, Grave of the Fireflies is the poignant tale of the relationship between two orphaned children.The children lose their mother in the firebombing of Kobe, and their father in service to the Imperial Japanese Navy, and as a result they are forced to try to survive amidst widespread famine and the callous indifference of their countrymen (some of whom are their own extended family members).
Some critics, including Roger Ebert, considers it to be one of the most powerful anti-war movies ever made.
This is the premise of every anime I've ever seen.
Right, ones you've seen. That's what you call being ignorant. So you base your opinion on what little anime you've seen. Don't you think this is a grave error?
..they could be learning about stuff that actually matters. ALL TV sucks...but anime is right at the bottom of the list with professional wrestling and American Idol.
This coming from someone on a video game forum, where said medium could be considered complete trash and argued to be just as filthy and "stupid" as television in general.
The point is you don't have to like anime, that's fine, and no one is going to change your mind, because honestly no one actually cares. It's the ignorance and trolling that will get x number of people telling you how wrong you are. I expect this topic will get locked, but either way try to think before you, type. I'm not even a big fan of anime, and watched it now and then as a kid, but you have to at least admit that not every one is poorly drawn, not every one is about flying around and shooting fireballs, and that anime is perfectly capable of tackling more pressing issues than who has the highest power level.
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