[QUOTE="Saruman1719"][QUOTE="Thechaninator"][QUOTE="Saruman1719"] [QUOTE="Thechaninator"]Watching horror with other people is fun as hell because then you get to make fun of those who flip out!!!Thechaninator
Personally, the only time I like watching horror with other people is to have a good time with those movies that are obviously made for such an occasion, such as Army of Darkness, Bad Taste, Braindead, etc. But if we're talking about a good serious horror film like the original Halloween, the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Suspiria, and so on, everyone should just STFU....merely my individual preference.
I must say that it can be a great indicator of whether or not a horror movie is good through group interaction.
I remember going with a friend and seeing that Darkness. God awful movie it was. The stupidity of the movie caused me to go on and on about it really being Michael Jackson going after the kid.....
On the other hand, good horror movies can make a theater silent. Sure I talked a bit through Saw but I am a loudmouth and tend to talk at least a little during movies. THe thing was I don't go making fun constantly when a movie is good. Just a few jokes here and there.
And to put it in perspective, The Ring had the theater very quiet. People were terrified and I ended up getting a kick when half the theater freaked out at the end when Samara came out of the tv.
That is once again preference though. I think good horror movies will get the audience silent due to their horror. I was actually silent through the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake because I was quite scared. It was pretty much the only time I have really been scared by a film.....
That is a good point, I have to give you that. Your point about the remake of The Ring kind of amuses me, because of a similar experience with The Blair Witch Project. Both kept the audience quiet and I hardly think our respective theaters were the only ones across the nation to do. Yet, these are two good examples of films that people scorn these days and I don't hear anyone admit that either one scared them at all. People were so reeled in by the whole marketing ploy by BWP and from the way everyone acts, you would think that most didn't buy into it, which was certainly not the case. Thus, the tough guy persona rears it head once more.
But as said, all personal preference. A majority of the time, I just can't tolerate the questions, comments, and comedian act that comes along with watching movies with other people.
lol you would HATE seeing a movie with me then. I am easily the comedian and I just can't help myself sometimes.
Thinking about it now I was pretty silent during 28 Weeks Later except after the opening in which I couldn't help but remark that it was the greatest opening I had ever seen. I really like that movie too.
Hell, when I'm with people like you, I get embarrassed because I think everyone is like me...but then I remember and sit there brooding. :P See, the thing is when I'm watching, it is like I'm there, but then I hear someone from the "outside" world chattering away and I just get sucked right out.
I didn't really enjoy 28 Days Later, so I haven't bothered with the sequel yet. But nothing can top Suspiria's opening scene...nothing.
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