Long read, so only for those who are actually interested in the topic and have an open mind, if you get offended easily do not read.
There are are huge differences between races in terms of brain size, sexual behavior, fertility, growth rate, life span, crime and family stability.
Research finds that whites fall in the middle, while orientals are at one side of the spectrum and blacks are at the other. Research shows that in sports, black men and women in general tend to have a slight genetic advantage compared to those of other races. Blacks have narrower hips, wider shoulders, less body fat and more muscle. They also have from 3 to 19% more of the sex hormone testosterone than whites or orientals. This translates to more explosive energy which gives them a slight edge in sports like Boxing, Basketball, Football and Sprinting (If you look at these sports you will again see black dominance, whether you agree with this research or not it is hard to deny) You also might want to question why no white/oriental man has gotten below 10 seconds in the 100m dash, this research helps explain why.
Black babies are also generally born a week earlier than White babies and mature much more faster physically as measured by bone development. By age five or six, research shows that black children excel in the long jump, dash and high jump which all require a short burst of power. By the teenage years blacks on average also have better reflexes. Race differences in brain size and IQ, along with those in testosterone, have important implications for social behavior. For example, in the United States, Orientals are seen as a model minority. They have fewer divorces, out-of-wedlock births, and cases of child abuse than do Whites. More Orientals graduate from college and fewer go to prison. Blacks, on the other hand, are 12% of the American population but make up 50% of the prison population. The racial pattern of crime in the U.S. is not due to local conditions like White racism. statistics show that the rate of violent crime (murder, rape, and serious assault) is about three times lower in East Asian and Pacific Rim countries than they are in African and Caribbean countries. Whites in European countries are intermediate. The 1996 rates of violent crime, for example, were: East Asian countries, 35 per 100,000 people; European countries, 42; and African and Caribbean countries,
Brain Size and Intelligence
Race differences in brain size have been demonstrated using four different methods: (1) magnetic resonance imaging, (2) brain weight at autopsy, (3) endocranial volume, and (4) external head measurements. Orientals on average have 1 cubic inch more brain matter than whites, and whites average a very large 5 cubic inches more than Blacks. Since one cubic inch of brain matter contains millions of brain cells and hundreds of nerve connections, brain size differences help explain why the races differ in IQ. Whites and Asians also tend to have larger hips and give birth to slightly larger brained babies. Naturally the averages vary between samples and the races do overlap. But the results from different methods on different samples, measured from the 1840s to the 1990s, show the same strong pattern.
A second implication of this is that White racism is not responsible for all of societys problems. Black underachievement is not simply due to White prejudice. It is more deeply rooted. On average, Black children are born with smaller brains than White or East Asian children. Pointing this out is not constructing stereotypes, it is simply observing facts as they are. Both science and justice call for us to seek and tell the truth, not to tell lies and spread error.
We have to accept that racial differences will not just disappear. Hitherto, most theories in the behavioral sciences have assumed that all human populations have equal abilities to achieve equal levels of social development. We need to accept the existence of the evolved diversity of human populations. Sometimes it is claimed by those who argue that race is just a social construct that the human genome project shows that because people share 99% of their genes in common, that there are no races. This is silly. Human genes are 98% similar to chimpanzee genes. Yet no one thinks that chimpanzees have the same intelligence, brain size, or social behavior patterns as human beings; they look and behave very differently. In fact humans share 90% of their genes with mice, which is why we can use them to test drug therapies. Similarly, although men and women are genetically 99% the same, it is foolish to believe that sex is just a social construction.
What are the implications of this research?
Well, whether you would like to take a look at the average IQ tests or just in general society itself you would see that research does not lie. It is undeniable that these differences exist, and simply admitting that they do is not racist as long as you accept everybody for how they are and do not single them out because of their race.
One implication that should come from this research though is that we shouldn't blame racism as to why orientals are doing well in school, or why blacks tend to dominate in many sports. In summary, the same racial pattern would not occur so consistently all around the world and over time if race were a mere social construct. If it were a meaningless construct, it would have no power to predict phenomena like brain size, growth rate, life span, crime, and family stability. Other evidence also shows that race is a biological reality. For example, coroners in crime labs can identify race from a skeleton or even just the skull. They can even identify race from blood, hair, or semen. How could they do this if race was only a social construct? The scientific evidence shows that the politically correct mantra race is just skin deep is a case of deep denial.
You can read much more about this topic here: http://www.charlesdarwinresearch.org/TaxonomicConstruct.pdf
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