@Maroxad said:
@LostProphetFLCL said:
I think it ultimately comes down to a flat-out psychotic "Me Vs. the world" mindset that those people have. They treat everyone as hostile which is just crazy.
That is a good point. Persecution complex could very much be the driving force for this rather disgusting behaviour.
Which means that they are very much, mentally ill.
It's not mental illness. It is just ignorant people being fed bullshit.
If people would actually try and look at things from a non-race/sex focused view we might be able to solve some problems.
Unfortunately these days every problem is the product of racism or sexism. The problem is that cops are racist, not that in the US we have a serious issue of over-militarization of police and have a police force in general that might be a bit too quick to resort to violence. No, let's go hold up criminals as some sort of saints when they get killed attacking police. Lets go riot and commit random acts of violence against police officers because that SURELY will help stem police violence, am I right?
Even when issues are race/sex focused it seems these people can't even point to the real issue. Women aren't in scientific fields because of the matriarchy keeping them out! No it doesn't matter that women are twice as likely to be hired compared to men in said fields! The issue couldn't possibly be that society doesn't do anything to encourage women to go into such good fields and perhaps maybe even actively persuades women AGAINST developing an interest in said fields! The answer couldn't possibly be that maybe more women need to take interest in the sciences and maybe we as a society should be encouraging both men AND women to find science interesting!
It is just maddening. We will never fix things with these idiots constantly pointing in the wrong direction. You don't cure a disease simply by treating a symptom. You need to figure out the root of the issue and go from there.
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