Acording to the state.
And commonsense
People who ascribe to us vs them in capitalism do not understand capitalism.
Yes, we do. The elite class of owners get to controll the lives of everyone else. That is a reality neo-liberals need to come to terms with.
Your hyperbole is nice, but no one is controlling your life except you. Â On topic; Is capitalism a zero sum game. Â Yes or no? This is all you need to answer to understand whether the system is fundamentally us against them or not.
The rich can get richer, while simultaneously the lives of the non rich can be improved. China, India, Brazil etc are perfect examples of this. Similarly, the working poor today in N America have decent accomodations, TVs, cell phones etc. Arguably these are basics today, but the standard of what is basic continues to rise.
Relative income inequality does NOT benefit everyone.
Relative income inequality is simply a measure. Â It tells you nothing about the actual conditions experienced by anyone and is neither necessarily good, nor necessarily bad. Â Do you dispute the actual outcomes that I have used as examples? Â Is it not a fact that people live at higher standards of living now then at any time in the past? Â
The point is capitalism is NOT a zero sum game, therefore it can and does accomodate relative income inequality without a necessary absolute benefit transference from one group to another. Â How much relative income inequality you accept in your society is not driven exclusively or even primarily by the underlying capitalistic system.
I think you confuse the issue of wealth generation with the issue of societies' choices wrt wealth redistribution.
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