They have, but how long can you make fun of Islam? Besides is it really worth pissing off some radicals that will suicide bomb anything for any idiotic reason, no matter how pointless it would be?"I'll show them I'll blow em up." Buhhh I think they will be too dead to care chief. And anyoneelse whom is still alive won't really care and just be happy it wasn't them. "NO! You just wait, you'll see, they'll be sorry." Uhhh.. I don't think so.. Iknow you'll be dead along with some or severalotherpeople. Everyoneelsewill get over itwithin 2 days and forgot about within a week. Many won't even care the moment it happens. "Why do you have to be such a buzz kill?"
Yes. If you want to be completely safe from violent people who will hurt you over anything you say, then we must remove free speech.
I'd rather take the very miniscule chance of being bombed by a radical over losing my rights.
Sometimes you just have to compromise anduse your brain. Our constitution is not global, it's our constitution,not their's. Comedy is NOT worth getting people killed. Maybe you're okay with explaining to the families that the deaths were totally worth it but I don't see how it could be.
One compromise leads to further ones.
First we cannot insult islam. Then we cannot Insult Christianity or criticize any religion. Kudos to you if you want to bobsled down that slippery slope but please don't take the rest of us who enjoy free speech.
And you're right, our constitution is not universal. If they do not like it, they can stay out of the country. I do not like Irans laws, so I do not visit Iran.
The US is not an Islamic theocracy and should not have to adhere to Islamic holy law because of radicals. We should not even induldge the thought of giving into a radicals demands. If a Christian threatened to bomb the US if people didn't stop having sex before marriage, would you say that we should just sacrifice that right so no one gets hurt?
Statisticly the chances of being killed by a terrorist attack in the US is so miniscule as to be non existant. You have a hogher chance of a drinking glass breaking and cutting your throat than you do of dying in a terrorist attack. But we don't ban all drinking glasses because "Well...It'd be safer that way."
100% safety is unattainable and I will not give up my freedoms to obtain imaginary security.
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