[QUOTE="Pixel-Pirate"]And it's their choice to take the easy way out if they want to.
I don't see why it should be yours or anyone elses choice. I also don't see any logical way to solve the problem. The parents don't want it, telling them "Tough cookies" isn't going to make them want or like the kid.
The adoption centers simply can't hold 1.4 million extra children yearly, so that's not really a magical catch all. I suppose we could go for my proposed plan. Everyone must adopt a child or face jail time and fines. Or, if you prefer, everyone must donate to adoption centers/have highly raised taxes to pay for the children.
All I can say in response is that they shouldn't have been having sex in the first place. Using abortion as retro-active birth control should not be allowed. You take part in the act or procreation, you have to deal with the consequences (if they occur). It is merely moving the timeline further back from exposure to in-utero removal.
I don't see how "rights" or "choice" comes into play here. They're kids, and they have every right to life as you or I. And honestly, I wouldn't have anything against paying more in taxes if it meant better care for foster children. That an a limit of biological children imposed on families. I personally want to adopt children in the future, and give them a chance at life other people didn't want them to have.I don't hold a fetus in the same regard as a child. A child is a human being to me. A fetus is closer to a parasitic creature.
How is having the child born into a home thats poor, cannot feed them, and resents them, somehow going to be great for them? Also, I don't see how it's their fault if the condom or birth control failed. Thats like saying it's my fault if I die on a roller coaster because the restraints failed.
Also the taxes would not be for better care. It would be for care at all. Since 1.4 million EXTRA yearly is alot, and thats what the centers would get every year and if they have trouble taking care of it now, I can't see how they'll do it with a million more every year.
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