[QUOTE="Pixel-Pirate"][QUOTE="JudgementEden"] Why do people keep using this stupid argument? If my daughter was raped, yes I would try to make her keep the baby. A baby shouldn't be punished because of someone else. The baby is not the man that raped her. Abortion, under ANY circumstance, is wrong.JudgementEden
To be honest, if I was a woman who was raped and my father tried to stop me from getting something out of me that I did not consent to, do not want, and would put me spiraling into a deep suicidal depression if I was forced to keep, I'd probably disown him.
I really dont care what you're opinion is on the matter. You keep using your stupid self created definition for parasite, so what you have to say is pretty much moot to me. I mean, yeah, by definition, fetuses are parasites. But there is no where in the dictionary that says UNWANTED fetuses are parasites. Whether WANTED or UNWANTED, they are still parasites, by definition. But, they are not parasites in the same way a tick is, or a tapeworm. To even compare a baby to such is ridiculous, and makes your argument even more ridiculously stupid. You implied earlier that a fetus can kill you because of the nutrients they take. First off, WHEN have you heard of a person dying because of the Baby taking resources? Huh? Never? Meanwhile, people die all the time from real parasites, most parasites are very deadly. And once again, you're going to compare a Baby, oh im sorry, FETUS, to a REAL deadly parasite!? 1. You say it's a self created definition but then admit it's true, plus I gave reference to where I got the definition.
2. Yes, wanted or unwanted are parasites. You should have the right to decide if you want a parasite in your body.
3. A fetus is not a baby to me, so I never compared a baby to a tick.
4. I never implied such a thing. I said you can die from it, which you can. Complications due to pregnancy and child birth. My sister almost died due to these, so I can assure you they happen.
5. Yes, I am comparing a fetus (not a baby) to a parasite, because by definition and your own admition, they are the same.
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