Oh, right, not any time, just when the major western powers deem it to be the right time. Just like we're always totally against foreign leaders with whom we disagree and will go so far as to assassinate them, but war criminals who rule with an iron fist are fine, until we don't need them any more and the country in question is plunged in civil war. Justified when it fits our purposes, unjustified when it doesn't, the one true moral law in this world.
Eh this is something you need to take with your country's leaders. My country is neutral in most cases, I think.
They never took any Palestinian land because Palestine was just a loose name for the indigenous people and not an officially recognized country, kinda like American land before we took it from the natives. The indigienous people, by the way, were NOT hostile before they were forcefully evicted from their homes AND were composed of a diverse culture that included Muslims and Christians who lived together peacefully. But yeah, of course, not at all the Israelis' fault for just setting up a country wherever they damn well pleased or the western powers' fault for helping them do it, it's all those b*tchy natives and their not wanting to have their land repossessed.
This is such a mess. First of Jews are indigenous just as much as the Palestinians, or more depending how you define the word indigenous. Secondly no Palestine was not named after Palestinians. The region was named Syria Paelestina in the 2nd century by Romans, long before Palestinians even existed. When do you think the "indigenous people" started to be hostile? Answer me that. Cause it was long before any "evictions".
Oh and what about the Jews who have lived there continuously for Milena? You just happened to forget about them?
Israel was formed on a land where the majority was Jews... I guess it would have been more fair to make that part of another Arab State instead? After all they only have about 10,000,000 km2. And you're saying all the hostility against the Jews is justified because Muslims and Christians were living in peace?
The Western Powers helped the Palestinians just as much. Ever heard of the 47 partition plan? The only thing is, they REJECTED it. And they didn't have any land to be repossessed to begin with! They REJECTED any land.
If you live in a western country then I doubt yours is an exception. Every major European power and the U.S. have meddled in the affairs of other countries in some way and taken it upon themselves to determine the best course of action for those countries. Some less than others, but still there are few exceptions.
The Jews are indigenous, but they didn't have any more of a claim to that land than the local Christian or Islamic population. Why didn't we make a Christian or Islamic state? Why didn't we make a secular state that reflected religious and ethnic diversity? No, we went in and decided that a certain tract of land where a diverse people were living belonged solely to one ethnic group based on a holy book of all things. I seriously doubt we would be having this same discussion had the borders been based on something written in the Koran.
I also never said the name Palestine was named for Palestinians, I said Palestine was a loose name used to categorize the people indigenous to that region. If you want to play semantics here then go ahead, my point was that Palestine wasn't an OFFICIALLY recognized state so they didn't have a claim to the land on that grounds, but they were settled in that region and made it their home and that IS grounds for a claim to land.
I also never said the hostility was justified, but it is to be expected. I also don't see how you can make a distinction that one act of hostility is justified but another isn't. Oh yeah, it's all fine and dandy to draw partitions against the consent of a settled population, build a wall around them and restrict their travel, siphon off their water supply, and anything else under the sun, but if THEY ever do anything then suddenly we're riding the moral high horse. Aggression is not justified on either side, but that includes Israeli acts of aggression. To say that everything on the Palestinian side is simple terrosim and everything on the Israeli side is completely justified is ridiculous. Israelis have to own up to the fact that even though they may have a right to exist now they had no clear claim to the land when they were first established, that they have signed agreements that they continuously violate both in conducing military exercises and in building new developments, that their practices of strict control over travel and overuse of the local water supply objectively hurt the Palestinian citizens, and they have to make overtures of peace to the Palestinian people. This is what gets solely lost in your side of the dicsussion, there are real people who live in Palestine and have nothing to do with terrorism that suffer every day from thsi conflict. And when things go completely wrong for them, when they lose their livliehoods, when they lose their homes, when they're living on shantytowns on the highways, is it any wonder that a small portion of the overall population turns to terrorism? This isn't trying to justify terrorism, this is trying to understand the situation in order to find a way to fix it. Writing the entire Palestinian population off as terrorists and saying that everything Israel does is justified does no good, it just makes current grievances all the more volatile.
The 47 partition wasn't a choice, it was an ultimatum. We hand them a partition, if they don't like it then we force our own boundaries on them. Again, totally justified because we're the west and we can do anything we want.
Adressing your boled, because the term Jew refers to more than just a religion, it is also an ethnic group as well, people who are by blood, descended from Abraham and Issac, the Israelites. It is also a religion as well and one that anyone from any ethnic group can convert to, however Jews are still an ethnicity.
To give you an example look at some Native American tribes, they are thier own unique ethnic group, however they do adopt outsiders into their tribes and they become kin to them. Does that mean their tribe isn't an ethnicity? No of course not, just one can adopt and become a member, or one can be born with tribal descent. Being Jewish is similar.
There is no such thing as a Christian land or Muslim land because those are just religions, however there is such a thing as a Spanish land, a German land, an Irish land, a Japanese land ect...because they are their own unique ethnic group, they have their own language, their own cultures their own religious beliefs ect...Jews are the same way.
They have their own ethnic group (Hebrew), their own languae (Hebrew and Yiddish primarily), thier own cultures (a continutation of Israelite cutlure) and their own religion (Judaism, which anyone can convert to and practice.) That's why there is a Jewish land (Israel), it makes sense.
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