perhaps you should study some history and see what happens to countries with citizens who are under government control? maybe a world history class is in order? :P
Here is an intersting article from the washington timesin case you are interesting in hearing the other side of the argument...
"The world's population growth rate maxed out in 1965 and has been in sharp decline."The unprecedented fall in fertility rates that began in postwar Europe has, in the decades since, spread to every corner of the globe, affecting China, India, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America," says Mr. Mosher. "The latest forecasts by the United Nations show the number of people in the world shrinking by midcentury, that is, before today's young adults reach retirement age." The birthrate of Europe taken as a whole, from Ireland to Russia, is only 1.5 children per woman in her lifetime, far below the minimal replacement rate of 2.1. Latin America's is down to 2.4 and dropping fast. China's is 1.7. South Korea's is a mere 1.1. The United States is the only developed country at or above replacement rate; we're right at 2.1."
I'm not responding to you until you show me where it says in the consititution that the government can't limit the number of children you have.Stop deflecting, you made a statement, back it up, or admit that you're wrong.
:lol: I'm sorry but this is turning funny really fast. You're basically saying that if it doesn't explicitly state somewhere in the constitution that the government can't do something, then they can just go ahead and do something? EVEN if such a law got passed, I doubt it would live very long with the Supreme Court. And the whole time you were telling Scoob to read up on some government, :lol: oh man, I just don't even known.
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