[QUOTE="worlock77"][QUOTE="Motokid6"]More money to the space program be nice. One whole penny maybe ..y'know instead of a half penny. I want to see another moon landing. Many of the solutions to the world major problems are up there.Motokid6
Yeah, I dunno about that.
h3 mining will make fusion energy possible An unimaginably massive amounts of resources. Lighter, stronger metals. Expanding our chemistry set And god knows what else..NEW metals. NEW resources to play with. And on top of all that... Space travel unites the world. When Niel Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed the LEM on the surface of the moon the entire world became united. They were waving the American flag in the middle of Tiananmen square. The Germans, The Russians ( be it butthurt because we beat them ) were united for that day. Everyone loves space. Everyone looks up and wonders what's out there. It's the true bridge over all language gaps. The greatest thing human beings can possibly do.So how is any of that going to solve some of the world's biggest issues such as distribution of resources? We can have more and more resources but what's to say it won't simply be the same old story - ie: the few reaping the benefit while much of the world goes without?
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