Who knows? I always wonder how they maneuver around objects in space (meteors, asteroids, stars, etc.) while moving at such speeds. I would imagine that the rate of celestial traffic accidents must be pretty high in the Star Wars universe.
Space is a fairly large place... and the asteroid belt is actually pretty sparse.410 nonillion ly³ (10^32) (universe).
Our astroid belt is only the ~mass of a planet, spread out over the space of Mars to Jupiter, a space of ~1.7 quintillion m² (10^18)
And Earth's area, 510 billion m². Tiny by compairison.
The same thing would happen as if the ship crashed at any speed. It would blow up into pieces. Once it gets to a speed where it will blow up on contact, going even faster doesn't change that. Also an xwing is just the size of a fighter jet. It's not the size of a giant meteor or something.
Wut, my friend inertia would like to have a word with you.If a ship were able to travel at the speed of light, and hit a planet, and since it takes ~infinite energy to make a massive particle move the speed of light, it'd impart ~infinite energy into that planet's atmosphere, basically annihilating it.
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