You're trying to go for a trippy abstract sound because you're not at a level to create a standard generic sound. There is no structure to these songs, and the mindless strumming of the guitar shows ineptitude hidden under pretentions even I couldn't harbor. Keep trying, you clearly like music and there's always room to improve, but don't expect record labels to show any interest in this; it's much worse than many many unsigned bands at the moment.
You seem to think that it is legitimate because it creates a soundscape, but that's not so. Soundscapes have an insane amount of work put into them, people don't just create a basic and uninteresting series of noises and expect it to tell a story. Listen to some 'Boards of Canada', to get an idea what something with production value sounds like. I'd suggest you start to learn music theory if you haven't already; it really will help you as a musician.
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