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[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="JJ_Productions"]How is the iranian president a troll? All he requested was an independent investigation into 9/11, and questioned why would they kill bin laden. Wouldn't it have been impertinent information to know how he formualted the plan to syncronize the plan hijackings and what other possible connections he might have had? All I see is hypocrysy and a bunch of sheep just following the propaganda wheel. How bout using critical thinking for yourselves...idiotsVictorious_FizeLet's have an independent investigation into Iran and nuclear power..... Let's have an independent investigation into Israeli nuclear power. ;) wanna know the difference? in Iran there are military parades with missles that have "Death To Israel" all over them, sometimes its "death to the US" as well on the other hand , that simply doesn't happen in Israel , simply because there would be someone inside the country that would say its racist to do so. besides the nuclear aspect in Israel is a remenant of a time where the majority of Arab states were openly calling for my death , Nasser wasn't exactly running towards Israel with open arms.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"] Not stopping you.Victorious_FizeBut you didn't seem to like the fact, your brought Israel into the discussion when it wasn't warranted. I don't know what the suggestion was, but I don't like nationalistic favoritism. And actually it was warranted, it is very hypocritical for the West to focus on Iran's nuclear ambitions with Israel having absolutely no signed obligation to its own. I support a nuclear free Middle East, and that includes Israel.Then I suggest you missed the point of my comment. Iran should be fair game for independent investigations since obviously that was such a wonderful idea Ahmadinejad came up with....wouldn't want him to appear to support double standards and all now would we?
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] Thats the attitude of someone hiding something. Lets be honest, walking out of a meeting is something I expect at a womans PTA meeting or some crap, not an international world meeting that can potentially prevent or cause wars. These people are in no way examples of leaders and clearly are hiding something if they are so adament about addressing an issue which so called "seems to be preposterous". Enjoy you denial and delussions JJ_ProductionsJust because they are leaders doesn't mean they have to stay and listen to that. I'd walk out as well. Why waste time giving someone attention they so desperately crave? Thats you. Any leader with sense would have used that oppurtunity to show its integrity and use it as a chance to clear their name to proceed with international harmonization. But clearly you just want to go into and bomb it to the ground because "irans the most dangerous country and the president is insane" give me a break. I remember before I ever heard of this president years and years ago, I first seen him on a Time magazine cover labeled "the most dangerous man in the world"... ...Hows that propaganda soup tasting, pretty sweet huhNo. There is no reason they need to stay and listen to that. Not one. I'm glad they left.
Propaganda?:lol: No..I'm judging this soley on the message he delivered that day. Assumptions...they just aren't right.
Well, he does have a point in a few areas (US to quick to us Military force, US/Iran relations can be better etc.) but I have a feeling he is just auditioning to replace Qaddafi as the worlds crazy random rabbler of randomness.
I swear, Ahmadinejad must have learned diplomacy from this guy.
He wants to make everyone humble.
He needs to beat Sgt. Slaughter for that to happen.[QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"][QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"] Let's have an independent investigation into Iran and nuclear power.....Darkman2007Let's have an independent investigation into Israeli nuclear power. ;) wanna know the difference? in Iran there are military parades with missles that have "Death To Israel" all over them, sometimes its "death to the US" as well on the other hand , that simply doesn't happen in Israel , simply because there would be someone inside the country that would say its racist to do so. besides the nuclear aspect in Israel is a remenant of a time where the majority of Arab states were openly calling for my death , Nasser wasn't exactly running towards Israel with open arms. Two things before we start:
1- I do not exempt Iran from anything.
2- Being a person in Saudi Arabia, I know just how much the Western media exaggerates about us.
The nuclear program is not a remnant of the past, considering Israel is well estimated at 300 head from 10–20 in 1976. Israel is still maintaining the program, and as I understand, with the Arab Spring and the 'regretful' border shooting between Israel and Egypt, Israel will not be wanting to dismantle it anytime soon I'm sure. That said, almost nobody wants to "push Jews into the sea". The Iranian government host a marginal self-governed Persian Jewish minority of their own, with a voice of their own in the Majlis, and I have heard nothing about a genocide or mass murder.
@LJ: Again, not stopping your give and get bargain. I just hope you will have one for Israel.
wanna know the difference? in Iran there are military parades with missles that have "Death To Israel" all over them, sometimes its "death to the US" as well on the other hand , that simply doesn't happen in Israel , simply because there would be someone inside the country that would say its racist to do so. besides the nuclear aspect in Israel is a remenant of a time where the majority of Arab states were openly calling for my death , Nasser wasn't exactly running towards Israel with open arms. Two things before we start:[QUOTE="Darkman2007"][QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"] Let's have an independent investigation into Israeli nuclear power. ;)Victorious_Fize
1- I do not exempt Iran from anything.
2- Being a person in Saudi Arabia, I know just how much the Western media exaggerates about us.
The nuclear program is not a remnant of the past, considering Israel is well estimated at 300 head from 10–20 in 1976. Israel is still maintaining the program, and as I understand, with the Arab Spring and the 'regretful' border shooting between Israel and Egypt, Israel will not be wanting to dismantle it anytime soon I'm sure. That said, almost nobody wants to "push Jews into the sea". The Iranian government host a marginal self-governed Persian Jewish minority of their own, with a voice of their own in the Majlis, and I have heard nothing about a genocide or mass murder.
@LJ: Again, not stopping your give and get bargain. I just hope you will have one for Israel as one.
Israel will have a nuclear program until there is peace, and I mean proper peace, we both know that at the end of the day, the peace treaty with Egypt and Jordan are just pieces of paper, things could change overnight, besides with Iran's links to Hezbollah and Hamas, I can't allow them to have nuclear weapon (especially considering you can now put nuclear weapons into a relatively small size). as for Persian Jews, its not quite as rosy as youre saying. yes, there are 20, 0000 Jews in Iran , but thats down from 100,000 30 years ago , most of the Jews escaped exactly because of fear from the regime. moreoever, Jews have a lack of rights, Jews are not allowed to attain high positions in the army, or in government, heck until not too long ago , Jews weren't really allowed to have passports , and were basically subject to various degrading laws, such as a inheritence law (ie , if a Jew converts to Islam , he inherits all the property) thats in addition to the obvious lack of rights every other Iranian has. at the same time, Ive seen more than enough riots and protests in the Arab World to believe that there are indeed people who want that. heck , Ive seen the protests next to the Israeli Embassy in Cairo , they weren't shouting about Israel , they were shouting "Itbach Al Yahud". are they a minority? I don't know, but Im not quite sure its nobody that wants my death , those people exist, wheter a minority or not.Ditto bro, everytime I remember his existance it makes me regret my lineage. Whatever, if anyone asks, I say I'm Canadian XD "From where?" "Vancouver" "No originally" "Oh, well I grew up in Ottawa XD"oh god,every time he opens his mouth it makes me feel ashamed of being iranian.
[QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"]Two things before we start:[QUOTE="Darkman2007"] wanna know the difference? in Iran there are military parades with missles that have "Death To Israel" all over them, sometimes its "death to the US" as well on the other hand , that simply doesn't happen in Israel , simply because there would be someone inside the country that would say its racist to do so. besides the nuclear aspect in Israel is a remenant of a time where the majority of Arab states were openly calling for my death , Nasser wasn't exactly running towards Israel with open arms.Darkman2007
1- I do not exempt Iran from anything.
2- Being a person in Saudi Arabia, I know just how much the Western media exaggerates about us.
The nuclear program is not a remnant of the past, considering Israel is well estimated at 300 head from 10–20 in 1976. Israel is still maintaining the program, and as I understand, with the Arab Spring and the 'regretful' border shooting between Israel and Egypt, Israel will not be wanting to dismantle it anytime soon I'm sure. That said, almost nobody wants to "push Jews into the sea". The Iranian government host a marginal self-governed Persian Jewish minority of their own, with a voice of their own in the Majlis, and I have heard nothing about a genocide or mass murder.
@LJ: Again, not stopping your give and get bargain. I just hope you will have one for Israel as one.
Israel will have a nuclear program until there is peace, and I mean proper peace, we both know that at the end of the day, the peace treaty with Egypt and Jordan are just pieces of paper, things could change overnight, besides with Iran's links to Hezbollah and Hamas, I can't allow them to have nuclear weapon (especially considering you can now put nuclear weapons into a relatively small size). as for Persian Jews, its not quite as rosy as youre saying. yes, there are 20, 0000 Jews in Iran , but thats down from 100,000 30 years ago , most of the Jews escaped exactly because of fear from the regime. moreoever, Jews have a lack of rights, Jews are not allowed to attain high positions in the army, or in government, heck until not too long ago , Jews weren't really allowed to have passports , and were basically subject to various degrading laws, such as a inheritence law (ie , if a Jew converts to Islam , he inherits all the property) thats in addition to the obvious lack of rights every other Iranian has. at the same time, Ive seen more than enough riots and protests in the Arab World to believe that there are indeed people who want that. heck , Ive seen the protests next to the Israeli Embassy in Cairo , they weren't shouting about Israel , they were shouting "Itbach Al Yahud". are they a minority? I don't know, but Im not quite sure its nobody that wants my death , those people exist, wheter a minority or not.Ughh, I'm pressed for time, and I probably won't enjoy this one, Jews are really stern by nature, it almost makes me think every Jew I communicate with is sponsored by the JIDF (j/k). Call this your win. :P
I would like a source (video source if possible) of those guys, probably some Salafists thinking they're doing God's work if not a common youth. Much like the Tea Party slogans, only, you know, Middle Eastern style.
Again, I do not exempt Iran from anything, but you are obviously misinformed, I've seen enough news to believe Iranian Jews are much like other Jews that oppose Israel, and are treated well enough to reject moving to Israel.
The nucelar program can stay, but you're ought to be condemned enough to sign the NPT just like Iran and the rest of the ME.
Best chance for peace is to weed out your hectic right, cooperate with the PLO, and leave "hidden desires" behind, both of us. Hezbollah is meh, Hamas, probably.
Adius, I am quite interested at having a conversation with you though, maybe at a later time.
Israel will have a nuclear program until there is peace, and I mean proper peace, we both know that at the end of the day, the peace treaty with Egypt and Jordan are just pieces of paper, things could change overnight, besides with Iran's links to Hezbollah and Hamas, I can't allow them to have nuclear weapon (especially considering you can now put nuclear weapons into a relatively small size). as for Persian Jews, its not quite as rosy as youre saying. yes, there are 20, 0000 Jews in Iran , but thats down from 100,000 30 years ago , most of the Jews escaped exactly because of fear from the regime. moreoever, Jews have a lack of rights, Jews are not allowed to attain high positions in the army, or in government, heck until not too long ago , Jews weren't really allowed to have passports , and were basically subject to various degrading laws, such as a inheritence law (ie , if a Jew converts to Islam , he inherits all the property) thats in addition to the obvious lack of rights every other Iranian has. at the same time, Ive seen more than enough riots and protests in the Arab World to believe that there are indeed people who want that. heck , Ive seen the protests next to the Israeli Embassy in Cairo , they weren't shouting about Israel , they were shouting "Itbach Al Yahud". are they a minority? I don't know, but Im not quite sure its nobody that wants my death , those people exist, wheter a minority or not.[QUOTE="Darkman2007"][QUOTE="Victorious_Fize"] Two things before we start:
1- I do not exempt Iran from anything.
2- Being a person in Saudi Arabia, I know just how much the Western media exaggerates about us.
The nuclear program is not a remnant of the past, considering Israel is well estimated at 300 head from 10–20 in 1976. Israel is still maintaining the program, and as I understand, with the Arab Spring and the 'regretful' border shooting between Israel and Egypt, Israel will not be wanting to dismantle it anytime soon I'm sure. That said, almost nobody wants to "push Jews into the sea". The Iranian government host a marginal self-governed Persian Jewish minority of their own, with a voice of their own in the Majlis, and I have heard nothing about a genocide or mass murder.
@LJ: Again, not stopping your give and get bargain. I just hope you will have one for Israel as one.
Ughh, I'm pressed for time, and I probably won't enjoy this one, Jews are really stern by nature, it almost makes me think every Jew I communicate with is sponsored by the JIDF (j/k). Call this your win. :P
I would like a source (video source if possible) of those guys, probably some Salafists thinking they're doing God's work if not a common youth. Much like the Tea Party slogans, only, you know, Middle Eastern style.
Again, I do not exempt Iran from anything, but you are obviously misinformed, I've seen enough news to believe Iranian Jews are much like other Jews that oppose Israel, and are treated well enough to reject moving to Israel.
The nucelar program can stay, but you're ought to be condemned enough to sign the NPT just like Iran and the rest of the ME.
Best chance for peace is to weed out your hectic right, cooperate with the PLO, and leave "hidden desires" behind, both of us. Hezbollah is meh, Hamas, probably.
Adius, I am quite interested at having a conversation with you though, maybe at a later time.
in regards to Jews in Iran , its never quite so simple, but most of the Jews did leave Iran , most of them ended up in Israel , some in the US, that is fact, wheter or not the Jews in Iran like or dislike Israel is something else, though Im aware quite a few of quite a few of them visiting Israel , mostly for family reasons (they just go to through a 3rd country , apparently nobody bothers them if they clear it with the embassies) if you want a video of it, I can point you to this, its a section of a news talk show in Israel , where they were discussing this a few weeks ago, as well as the general issue in Egypt of law vs chaos. of course you won't be able to understand most of it , but around 2.10-2-25 is where you find that. though in that clip , the journalist (basically the one who covers the Arab world almost exclusively) did say that they speak the language of the Muslim Brotherhood, and one of the things they are shouting is "we want an Islamic Republic" so you could be right about that one. and its not the right in Israel , Tzipi Livni is more or less on the right (even if she is in Kadima) and she is quite open to negotiations, heck even Netanyahu is quite decent when it comes to negotiations, its his coalition , you have to understand who is on it , and the way Israel's political system works. at the same time, if I have to uproot my extremists I want the Palestinians to do the same, its the same as the settlements vs rockets argument Ive had before, one will never go away without the other. and again , this isn't even just for my benefit, its for theirs no country can have an armed group running half the country, or running amok in their territory, Weve seen what what happened in Lebanon , Gaza, even the Yemen to an extent.[QUOTE="sSubZerOo"][QUOTE="SaudiFury"]
here's a question.
what would make the UN not a joke?
If it worked exclusively for your national interests?
If you gave it an army capable of actually waging war?
Personally i'd say army, but then everybody would be scared as to who'se national interest it served.
It does work for the US's interests mainly.. The UN has basically become the right hand of the security council where nations like the US use it when its a convience and ignores it completely when its a inconvience..
Just like other countries.....:| exactly, but he is talking about the US specifically as most people who post here are from theirAs Rabbi Weiss said on Fox News, there is so much propaganda against this guy... I know how the media spins his words, so I don't believe the half of it.
Check it out - interesting clip from the Rabbi sticking up for him.
Ahmadinejad is awesome, must have butthurt the diplomats by speaking truth.
i love how we share similar thoughts
this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
spot on.
he also is part of a government who wants me dead and casts doubt on the Holocaust (pretty much an insult to every Holocaust victim and survivor), some governments sympathise and walk out , its as simple as thatthis is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
[QUOTE="blaze_adeel"]he also is part of a government who wants me dead and casts doubt on the Holocaust (pretty much an insult to every Holocaust victim and survivor), some governments sympathise and walk out , its as simple as thatthis is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
the dudes a horrible country leader fine we get that.. weve known this for a VERY long time just like chavez or pol pot or a variety of other leaders. but he shows no fear in his words and he speaks effectively. it takes ALOT of effort to get a UN member to rather than retort walk out of the room. let alone THIRTY of them. the dudes got some power in him and fire in his soul. i can see how he got to where he is today. im not calling him a good political figure but as a voice and a speaker of his mind.. he will probably have few equals globally in recent history.
[QUOTE="blaze_adeel"]he also is part of a government who wants me dead and casts doubt on the Holocaust (pretty much an insult to every Holocaust victim and survivor), some governments sympathise and walk out , its as simple as thatthis is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
peace is made through listening and talking... even if you disagree, you should still hear what people have to say... disrespecting by walking out doesn't solve anything. if leaders can't at least listen, talk,anddiscuss issues with thoseon opposing points of view,how do they expect the citizens to?
he also is part of a government who wants me dead and casts doubt on the Holocaust (pretty much an insult to every Holocaust victim and survivor), some governments sympathise and walk out , its as simple as that[QUOTE="Darkman2007"][QUOTE="blaze_adeel"]
this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
peace is made through listening and talking... even if you disagree, you should still hear what people have to say... disrespecting by walking out doesn't solve anything. if leaders can't at least listen, talk,anddiscuss issues with thoseon opposing points of view,how do they expect the citizens to?
so where was he during the Israeli speech? of course he wasn't there, nor was any Iranian diplomat , simply because to them , we don't exist , so don't talk to me about listening and talking. as for other countries, they simply won't bother with him , they go there to see if his speech is going to be different from the usual conspiracy theories and accusations.he also is part of a government who wants me dead and casts doubt on the Holocaust (pretty much an insult to every Holocaust victim and survivor), some governments sympathise and walk out , its as simple as that[QUOTE="Darkman2007"][QUOTE="blaze_adeel"]
this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
the dudes a horrible country leader fine we get that.. weve known this for a VERY long time just like chavez or pol pot or a variety of other leaders. but he shows no fear in his words and he speaks effectively. it takes ALOT of effort to get a UN member to rather than retort walk out of the room. let alone THIRTY of them. the dudes got some power in him and fire in his soul. i can see how he got to where he is today. im not calling him a good political figure but as a voice and a speaker of his mind.. he will probably have few equals globally in recent history.
your point? so he speaks his mind, as he is allowed to , but at the same time, people have a right not to listen . and frankly, I don't know if hes saying those things simply to look stupid or because he believes them , sometimes its better to shout crazy things and look stupid, as opposed to looking smart where people actually take him seriously.LOL,don't let your imagination loose wild when typing about a subject you don't fully understand, a true leader doesn't put his ppl in such a misery he's put us in.this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
The world has always been about might. That is how countries have been created, I do hope you are not of the opinion that MA is any diffrerent. He is not. He just isn't the "mightiest" and that bothers him. Solid proof? How about ask the responsibility....which they did. That's solid enough for me. What MA did was not logical.....he tried to hide the facts to suit his agenda.(and he does have one). Either that or I have to question his sanity. If the ME wants to keep a divide between themselves and the west peace will not be possible......this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="JJ_Productions"] Thats you. Any leader with sense would have used that oppurtunity to show its integrity and use it as a chance to clear their name to proceed with international harmonization. But clearly you just want to go into and bomb it to the ground because "irans the most dangerous country and the president is insane" give me a break. I remember before I ever heard of this president years and years ago, I first seen him on a Time magazine cover labeled "the most dangerous man in the world"... ...Hows that propaganda soup tasting, pretty sweet huhJJ_ProductionsNo. There is no reason they need to stay and listen to that. Not one. I'm glad they left. So basically your saying your all for war then? Typical. How dare he have the audacity to question the all perfect America free loving country/sarcasm With the sarcasm ending, so does this conversationn /end Strawman not sarcasm. I never discussed war at all in this thread. I discussed diplomats being free not to stay and listen tol ranting.
oh god,every time he opens his mouth it makes me feel ashamed of being iranian.
You should be proud to have a President who speaks the truth when he addresses the UN.
We have to be content with Obama.
I'm not sure if you're serious.LOL,don't let your imagination loose wild when typing about a subject you don't fully understand, a true leader doesn't put his ppl in such a misery he's put us in.[QUOTE="blaze_adeel"]
this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
People like you are the reason NATO can effectively use economic sanctions to advance a regime-change agenda: False pretexts (Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons, in this case) are used to justify economic sanctions and people blame their leaders for the privation that follows.
What sort of leader do Iranians really want? I'd like to think they want somebody like Mohammad Mosaddegh. But, if NATO countries get their way, the Iranians will end up with another Shah, i.e. a puppet with a mandate to screw over the country in favor of Western oil companies.
LOL,don't let your imagination loose wild when typing about a subject you don't fully understand, a true leader doesn't put his ppl in such a misery he's put us in.[QUOTE="VaguelyTagged"]
this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
People like you are the reason NATO can effectively use economic sanctions to advance a regime-change agenda: False pretexts (Iran's pursuit of nuclear weapons, in this case) are used to justify economic sanctions and people blame their leaders for the privation that follows.
What sort of leader do Iranians really want? I'd like to think they want somebody like Mohammad Mosaddegh. But, if NATO countries get their way, the Iranians will end up with another Shah, i.e. a puppet with a mandate to screw over the country in favor of Western oil companies.
first off all,he's not our leader; he himself is a puppet of "sepah" whose speeches are merely what they put in his mouth.second,we didn't choose him(since the elections was rigged obviously)and therefore we didn't ask for his foreign policies. that being said, a true politician wouldn't let those economic sanctions happen at such a massive obviously don't know anything about the internal consequences of these sanctions,ever asked yourself why does he insist on triggering those sanctions so much while he could just sit back and keep his mouth shut? well because those sanctions are destroying the middle class of iranian society by widening the huge gap between the upper class and the lower class and that middle class(which also is the more educated part of the society) happens to be the one that the green movement is emerged from. do you seriously think ahmadinejad is the guy who stands up against the cruel? is that it?this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
Are you kidding me? Bin Laden himself even admitted that he attacked the WTC, not once but twice. Is not his confession proof enough? It has been shown time and again that it was not an inside job using explosives.
this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
Are you kidding me? Bin Laden himself even admitted that he attacked the WTC, not once but twice. Is not his confession proof enough? It has been shown time and again that it was not an inside job using explosives.
Not to mention, it wasn't "people living in caves". The 9/11 hijackers were educated and wealthy.
this is what i mean when i post in other forums here that this is the era of might is right.what ever america says is considered gospel truth and western (minded) people dont want to hear anything contradicting that gospel truth. nothing about 9/11 added upno solidproof was given that people living in caves of afghanistan were responsible.the commission report was a hoax nothing more.
usama bin ladin was never labelled guilty by any court .he was a suspect and america killed thousands just to get to him.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke what is logical he raised some solid points that the west has no answer to.
he is a true leader that has not kneeled down infront of america like pakistani government.
Please, please, tell me you're joking.
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