I've been doing some observing and I have noticed that alot of the hardcore miltiant athiests are just as crazy and radical as the fundalmentalist religious groups out there. Many miltiant athiests tell me that they want religion to disapper and they think relgious people are stupid, isn't that just as closed minded and judgmental as radical religion? Militant atheists also don't believe in free speech, at least not for others.
They get upset when someone wishes "Merry Christmas" and want to remove public displays of crosses and menorah ect... how is that any different than a radiacl relgious person getting offended by mosques or wanting to push a relgious agenda on someone? It isn't, and public displays have NOTHING to do with seperation of church and state either, that refers to a state church and whatnot, simply having a christmas tree in the mall doesn't infringe upon anyones rights, it's there right to free speech.
What else I find funny is that how alot of militant atheist yell about how things relgious doctines like the bible are for dumb people and should be banned, and how it's just dumb faith. Well if you talk to these people and ask them about science books and stuff, you realise that they don't do any of these studies themselves, so they are just taking things by blind faith aswell.
Now I believe in God and Evolution and Big Bang and all that too (I don't see a conflict between God and Science, you can't have one without the other IMO) so don't call me anti science because I'm not. Also what else is interesting is that while Atheists arn't a religion, but in alot of ways it is as it takes the same amount of faith (if not more) to belive in no God as it does to believe in God. Both of those claims require faith, you can't prove or disprove it one way or the other, the only postion without faith is the position of Agnostic.
Yes that's right deny it all you want to, but atheism and faith are the same. How does an Atheist know there is no god? How does an Atheist think everything just randomly fell into place? How does an atheist explain right and wrong, good and evil? How does an atheist evolution is true without doing stuides themselves (I belive in Evolution too), just saying I read a science book is just like a religous person saying they read the bible. It takes faith for an ahteist to make those claims, it's not a lack of it, it IS a faith. Arguing scemantics isn't going to change anyhting.
Bottom line is that people like Bill Maher who say things like religous people are dumb is just as ignorant and closed minded as an extreamist. And wanting religion to "go away" is no different from a radical muslim wanting christians and jews to just "go away". There is no difference. And war would happen no matter what if there was religion or not, WW1 and WW2 had NOTHING to do with religion, Vietnam and the Korean War had NOTHING to do with religion, the massacres in the Soviet Union had NOTHING to do with religion (Soviet Russia was a communist state). There are other examples but war is going to happen no matter what.
Sorry for the long post but I know alot of athiests say things like "oh relgious people are dumb and obsolete" which is just as ignorant of a relgious person to say something like "oh science is evil". Both are wrong.
"Science without Religion is lame, Religion without science is blind"- Albert Einstein
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