Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance shows that the administration knew that millions would lose their insurance even though Obama kept telling the public that they would be able to keep the insurance that they already had. This is on top of the rollout problems that are continually plague the Healthcare.gov website that individuals can go to to find health insurance.
Doctor choice in Obamacare? Not so much shows that insurance companies are restricting hospitals and doctors that insurance that meets the AFA standards. In other words, your favorite doctor might not be in the network of your new provider as well as your favorite hospital. You might have to buy more expensive insurance in order to use both.
To make matters worse, the people that the AFA is meant to help purchase insurance are the ones who will apparently pay the fine instead of buying insurance. This will cause problems due to the lack of funds that will be used from young people's plans to help pay for medical costs of older people.
And Obamacare's Website Is Crashing Because It Doesn't Want You To Know How Costly Its Plans Are.
Political objectives trumped operational objectives
The answer is that Obamacare wasn’t designed to help healthy people with average incomes get health insurance. It was designed to force those people to pay more for coverage, in order to subsidize insurance for people with incomes near the poverty line, and those with chronic or costly medical conditions.But the laws’ supporters and enforcers don’t want you to know that, because it would violate the President’s incessantly repeated promise that nothing would change for the people that Obamacare doesn’t directly help. If you shop for Obamacare-based coverage without knowing if you qualify for subsidies, you might be discouraged by the law’s steep costs.
So, by analyzing your income first, if you qualify for heavy subsidies, the website can advertise those subsidies to you instead of just hitting you with Obamacare’s steep premiums. For example, the site could advertise plans that cost “$0″ or “$30″ instead of explaining that the plan really costs $200, and that you’re getting a subsidy of $200 or $170. But you’ll have to be at or near the poverty line to gain subsidies of that size; most people will either not qualify for a subsidy, or qualify for a small one that, net-net, doesn’t make up for the law’s cost hikes.
Are people still enamored with Obamacare? Are you going to buy insurance through the Healthcare.gov website?
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