If a person is getting screwed heavily by these changes big time, he will oppose and complain about it, even if it's still standing. There is nothing pathetic about that.
I will not claim to be very knowledgeable on Obamacare, despite that I have a general idea about it and what people complain about. That's beside the point.
The idea is that Americans react to every little change this way. Obamacare, gun laws, gay marriage, tax policies and the list goes on and on. I think it has become practically impossible to change things or get anything done in the U.S.
Why you gotta change things? As the saying goes if it ain't broke don't fix it. If things are working fine, why bother changing?
As Agent Phil Coulson says "People tend to confuse the words 'new' and 'improved'".
You have to change things because life and everything that's going on in it is of no static nature. If you're not moving forward then you necessarily moving backwards. The world changes radically by the day, the notion that you're not moving at all means you're moving backwards.
On the level of the state, if its not progressing, even if its institutions and policies are perceived to be beneficial and progressive enough, then stagnation and staleness are making their way on all level of public affairs and social order. It will be left behind while other states lead the way.
Who is to say that "forwards" is any better than "backwards"?
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