My neighbor's insurance was cancelled because it doesn't cover maternal care. My neighbor and his wife(56 YEARS OLD) have kids but they are all living on their own now. Now they have have to pay bronze premium at 930 dollars a month because it doesn't cover maternal care, really. Three times their previous cost. On top of that, it doesn't cover their doctor so they have to switch.
It's like giving a paper bag to somebody you see in the street. The guy ask what's in the paper bag. And I say, "It's medical supplies." The guy does NOT WANT it, and yet you still threaten him to take the bag and pay you 100 dollars a month. If he didn't you will hunt him down and make him pay more. The guy ran off...And he left you wondering why people these days can't take a help these days.
Socialism at its maximum.
Like I said I'm not very knowledgeable on Obamacare but this sums up why the general rejection of it.
Nah, it's the implementations and the excessive cost for healthy or moderately healthy people. There's no reason a 20 year old who doesn't smoke or drink should pay $800 monthly.
Everyone is cool with taxes and social security; so socialism can't be the issue. It's probably just the stigma of the name "obamacare".
What what i've read/heard about it, if you're single and making less than 32k yearly, you get subsidies, and if you're married with 2 kids, and making less than 90k a year, you're still getting huge subsidies.
Not sure why the average 20 year old would be paying $800 a month
That's the quote given to me before the subsidies. Didn't bother filling out the application after that; I doubt they'll lower it enough to entice me to actually purchase something I don't need. It was also for the middle tier medical plan; the bronze plan is completely pointless.
WTF is the point in having a 50,000 deductible? I get no medical coverage until I come up with 50k - so I might as well not have medical coverage, and walk to the ER. I liked my old plan of paying $108 a month, Walmart $3 meds, and $40 co-pay prior to Obamacare.
I want Canada's option.
I'm not sure what plan you're looking at, but I can't find any information regarding a bronze plan with a 50k deductible. I'm seeing most with a 5K deductible.
Regardless, the point of having a high deductible plan is to keep premium costs as low as possible while still proving coverage for catastrophic costs that could bankrupt. It's all about actuarial risk being spread to the entire pool for a consideration. The more likely members are to use your plan routinely, the higher the average consideration must be to cover the pool's cost.
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