You objected to him calling Islamic culture as extremely conservative, patriarchal, rigid and unaccepting of people who do not follow the status quo, and then made statements expressing just those things.
well honestly telling i cant understand how you people see good in bad and why u people think a women posing nude is good really i cant !!and either you people are crazy who cant get a simple fact that Islam loves modesty or i am crazy who thinks he can clear misconceptions about my religion and tell people that Islam is a peace loving and a beautiful religion. i personally give up u people are thick headed who have blinded themselves into thinking that good is bad and bad is good !!
"Good" or "bad" is in the eye of the beholder. Morals are not absolute and your morals are not my morals, my morals are not my neighbors morals, and my neighbors morals are not your morals. And neither you, I, nor our neighbors have any right to presume to force our morals upon others.
i was never forcing anyone to accept anything .i follow Islam and i find peace in it and if u follow someother religion and you find peace in that good for you .but what i was trying to do here was clear the misconceptions about Islam and how people without evidenace say Islam supresses women .i challenge you if you can tell anyother religion that gives women more security rights strength that Islam .Islam clearly says that men and women are equal members of society !if Islam stops women frombeing pubically nude Islam also stops men
if Islam gives right to men to own property it also gives the same right to women
if men can give divorce so can women
if men can marry according to their liking so can women
if Islam was a women hating religion why would it be the fastest growing religion in U.K especially in women
To the present day, orthodox Jewish men in their daily morning prayer recite: "Blessed be God King of the universe that Thou has not made me a woman."
West promises a freedom that in realty does not exist, rather only being a modern form of enslavement, packaged in plastic words.
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