Okay here's the story. During my class, one of my cell-phone volume buttons accidentally hit against the table making a very low beeping noise. At first I thought, no big deal so I didn't say anything. My teacher said Who's cell-phone was that? I still didn't say it was me because last time I owned up to my cell-phone beeping he gave me a detention. As thiry seconds passed, people started accusing each other. I felt bad so I said it was my cell-phone.
My teacher flipped, he told me to stop being a little b-word, and be a man. Right when I heard this, I was shocked. He insulted me and humiliated me in front of my class and got away with that. I don't know what to do....I really don't want to go to his class anymore. I've lost all respect for my teacher.
So what should I do?
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