Well what is most unsettling is that recently before all this began north korea was showcasing its "ultra modern" uranium enrichment plant to a US official, so thats troubling enough right there, who noes what they're capable of on their own. Also this is assuming china doesn't intervene and if they do you can expect them to supply arms and tech to the north koreans just as Russia did for china back in the cold war.
I don't think being able to enrich urainium matters much if your missle can't even launch. You can make a super bullet but if your gun doesn't work that bullet isn't too useful.
I'm not even taking China into consideration because I am 99.9% sure they will not get involved outside of stopping refugees from coming into China and maybe securing some land.
Here is what North Korea does for China.
Keep impovrished refugees from coming into China.
Be a buffer between American influenced SK.
What US (and by relation everyone who is not North Korea) does for China.
Trade with them.
Borrow lots of money.
Make them a world economic super power.
So one must ask would China give up the bottom part there (trade with basically everyone in the world, owning debt, and becoming a super power) to save a country that really does next to nothing for them? I don't think so.
We'll defend SK because it is actually a valuable ally to us. Best Korea is not a valuable ally to China. It is an ally and a symbol but not one worth losing everything for. I don't see a psychotic unpredictable loose cannon when I look at China. I think their move is quite predictable. They do not want this war to happen and they do not want Best Korea gone, but they arn't going to start WW3 over it. If it happens it happens and they deal with it. It ain't worth it for them.
That is true, it does seem like China has its goal set on peace and going to all out war over NK seems petty and frivilous so let's assume that only Best Korea is involved here. I see them as a loose cannon in every defenition of the word and knowing that their missles can't get very far I don't think you can put it past the current dictator to fire one off anyways if his back is against the wall.
I honestly think China's best move right now is to pull a complete 180 by rushing into Best korea and quickly deposing Kim Jong themselves and putting in a leader who can better serve their own needs by keeping the peace.
I see North Korea as the kid who constantly threatens to kill themselves for attention. "I'm gonna do it! Totally!" and they never do.
But if Best Korea does decide to fire a missle, I'm really not too confident the missle will launch. It might end up just blowing up in Best Koreas face.
And nuking Seoul would send fallout back to Best Korea.
Still, North Korea is a madman with a flintlock pistol going against people weilding submachine guns.
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