Americans wish that their country was as free as the Netherlands= Americans could only hope their country was as free as the Netherlands. That's how the poster meant it. Maybe now you understand other ppls point.
Just because something works for your country does not mean it does for all others. = We are both from the same ancestors, we have the same kind of culture. Just because Americans are afraid of soft-drug legalization doesn't mean it won't work. The Dutch have PROVEN it works, seeing that we have a lower percentage of drug addicts and drug-related crime than practically any country in the world
You are aware of what wish means....aren't you? = not only that, but I can put it into context, apparantly unlike you
you got involved in a discussion which wasn't yours to begin with = calling me arrogant... then typing this. It's an open discussion board, I can say whatever I feel like and get involved whenever I want. If you can't live with that fact, you shouldn't be on a forum.
You may sigh all you want but my initial point still stands. Why don't you get that? It's not that hard of a concept. Actually.....no. Americans don't....wish they were like the Netherlands. Period....end of discussion....Just because you don't understand the sentence does not make your argument correct. I stated clearly that he was incorrect and he was. Why continue this argument? You can't win it.
Americans do not want ANY drugs legalized at this time. Again....end of discussion. If the majority of Americans felt strongly for this it would occur. They do not. Most are against it. Therefore, it is not legal. Why continue this argument? You can't win it.
Wish...well I've responded several time to what that sentence he made said. Again...wish, want, desire...still as I stated above...Americans do not wish to be like your country. Why continue this argument? You can't win it.
I called you arrogant because you are trying to tell Americans what Americans want. That is arrogance. You got involved and rather worked up about a discussion that wasn't between you and I. As you stated....I can also respond to you if I like....if you don't like or can't deal with then perhaps it's you that should not be on the forum. Or at least not posting with me. Why continue this argument? You can't win.
I responded to each statement you made. Now you can continue to sigh....but you've failed again.
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