This trend is very encouraging and if it holds, it robs the anti-gay marriage folks of one of their most effective weapons (public opinion). However, I don't think that it will have any real effect on Republicans in the short term, though it will effect them significantly in the long term.
An encouraging trend, but I don't agree with the bolded part. Politicians are very good at being political weather vanes. When something is no longer popular and when it looks impossible to change that, politicians will just casually stop supporting it, and then claim to have always opposed it. I imagine Republicans' opposition to same-sex marriage will no more harm their future political aspirations than did Southern Democrats' support of segregation, etc.
Perhaps I worded that badly.
What I meant is that this trend is not going to cause any re-ordering of Republican positions in the short term. It won't be until the long term until it becomes enough of a factor to make them change their stances.
Also, I think that the issue will cause some problems with the base in the somewhat distant future when gay marriage supporters outnumber the opposers even more.
However, I agree that Republicans will probably adapt.
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