Before you read on, please understand that I will be both respectful, and will avoid being either rude or unecessarily descriptive, but it is not for those who are squeemish. Though it will not contain any unecessary or descriptive details of any kind, I put that there just to cover my bases. That being said, here is my situation:
My girlfriend and I engaged in the act 3 weeks ago from this saturday. We used a condom as a preventative measure, and as always, we were careful. However, today she told me that, a week or less before her monthly visitor arrives, she has found spotting (I will not describe spotting, simply because it is unnecessary and I don't want to get locked... if you can help me, you know what spotting is already), and, simply for the fact that I feel I need to include all details, the color was brown. The second I found this out, I went looking online to find out what it means, and, as always, I found something that greatly disturbed me (whenever I look something up online, I find something that scares the crap out of me). I found that brown spotting after the monthly issue is a sign of just bacteria cleansing, but just before, can be an indicator of pregnancy. Obviously, now I am worried. I'm 19, and she's 18... I'm in college, and she's about to graduate high school. I could use some peace of mind.
So, should I be worried? obviously no one knows for sure, and I plan to have her take a pregnancy test tomorrow when I go home to see her, but until then, I could use any information that might help me get a good night's sleep. So, do you think she's pregnant?
Didn't bother to read the other responses, but having been pregnant before at a young age(I lost the kid), I think I can help here. Spotting is normal, before and after you start your menstral cycle. If she is stressed about being pregnant, there is a big chance she'll miss her period. Every time I thought I might be pregnant, I got so stressed that I missed my period.
Go buy a test, and have her take it. The second she sees it's negative, her stress level will go down, and she will start in a few days. I actually started about 10 minutes after I saw the negative..lol.
Try not to add to her worry. Most likely, she is perfectly fine. Is she on birth control? If not, you should really consider it.
Good post. Im sorry for you loss though :(
Anyway, he already posted that his gf had her period, and that she will now start taking pills
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