We've had those for years, and luckily smoking rates here have dropped. That's not just because of the images, but also because of graphic advertising campaigns and taxing the hell out of cigarettes.
Your smoking effects me. You chose to smoke, yet at the first sign of illness you go running to your nearest public hospital, which I fund through my taxes. Not only that, second-hand smoking is just as, or even more, dangerous for a person than actually smoking yourself. I could be sitting having lunch, a guy comes and sits at the table next to me and starts smoking, and I get a face full of smoke. That's effecting my health.
Banning it is wrong, however regulation of it is needed.
Anti-Smokers in general are form stupider and ruder then smokers. Errr...no. Why? Because they don't enjoy inhaling smoke into their lungs, that makes them stupider? That's like saying getting punched in the face for walking into a certain area makes you stupid and rude. I'm finding it to be the case that smokers are becoming more self righteous than non smokers. I don't have a problem with them, but continaully always hear from smokers, "wah wah wah, I'm going to smoke where I wish and to hell with all the others" attitude.
I don't mind second hand smoke. Like the smell, to be honest. But it's ridiculous for someone who smokes to blame the OTHER person. Like someone pumping arsenic into the air and then throwing a hissy fit when people complain about having to breath it. Give me a break.
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