It has many names - The City that Never Sleeps, The Big Apple, and The Capitol of the World, and is often thought of as one of the greatest locations in the United States, if not the world. However, as a resident of this city who has lived in it for nearly two decades, I must say that I don't think it's that great. First of all, there are too many people and too many cars, which results in ridiculous noise pollution; chatter, beeping horns, and the sirons of police cars or firetrucks can be heard practically all day. Also, it stinks and the air is thick/ heavy compared to surburban and rural areas; the accumulated garbage within dumpsters, trash cans, and garbage trucks emits a foul odor that permeates throughout the air. Also, there are too many thugs roaming about; I've nearly been robbed three times in the city, but luckily I'm quck on my feet. Another problem is how expensive everything is, especially in Manhattan. I remember back in the day when a slice of pizza was $1.25, now one costs ~$3.00. I also remember when Little Debbie oatmeal pies were $0.25, now they're $0.50. Everything has gotten more expensive, even transportation which used to be $1.50 but is now $2.25.
For anyone who hasn't been to the city, don't let the novelty of it all fool you. Don't be duped by the neon signs and digital billboards of areas such as Times Square or Broadway. Those areas are anomalies; the rest of the city isn't nearly as exciting or pretty. Just look at the following photo. Take a look at the garbage on the street, the ridiculous amount of people (they're like roaches), and the fading road surface markings. The city is utter garbage. Anyhow, that's my two cents, what's yours?
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