I don't think there's anyone here that's stupid enough to believe that crap.Lonelynight
80% of Americans do
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7 Day Creation
[QUOTE="Blue-Sky"][QUOTE="Lonelynight"]I don't think there's anyone here that's stupid enough to believe that crap.muller39
80% of Americans do
Where did you get that percentage from?I assumed because 80% of Americans are Christians.
I can't imagine a christian claiming any portion of the Bible to be "invalid" or not credible. That would put their entire belief system into queston, especially with other scriptures out there, like the Quran also claiming to be the word of God. If anyone does claim to be "Christian" and still doesn't believe in the Bible as the word of God, then they're most likely Closet-Agnostics.
Out of that 80% I do firmly believe there's a large portion of Christians who are agnostic but simply claim to be christian because of the environment they grew up in.
Where did you get that percentage from?[QUOTE="muller39"][QUOTE="Blue-Sky"]
80% of Americans do
I assumed because 80% of Americans are Christians.
I can't imagine a christian claiming any portion of the Bible to be "invalid" or not credible. That would put their entire belief system into queston, especially with other scriptures out there, like the Quran also claiming to be the word of God. If anyone does claim to be "Christian" and still doesn't believe in the Bible as the word of God, then they're most likely Closet-Agnostics.
Out of that 80% I do firmly believe there's a large portion of Christians who are agnostic but simply claim to be christian because of the environment they grew up in.
Valid point. I wouldn't think a Christian would discount anything in the Bible.
7 Day Creation
It's one thing to be an Atheist and use that as your reason to say the Bible is false. That makes perfect sense since you doubt the existance of God as a whole. But to use science as a reason to prove it as false?
Doesn't make a lot of sense considering that the Bible claims such things as a bush was on fire without burning up, a man turned water into wine, and about a thousand other things that would be scientifically impossible.
Even nonbelievers playing Devil's Advocate can just claim that if the story was true the God had the power to make it happen. Just like if Superman was real his Kryptonian DNA is what makes the Sun give him his powers.
I assumed because 80% of Americans are Christians. I can't imagine a christian claiming any portion of the Bible to be "invalid" or not credible. That would put their entire belief system into queston, especially with other scriptures out there, like the Quran also claiming to be the word of God. If anyone does claim to be "Christian" and still doesn't believe in the Bible as the word of God, then they're most likely Closet-Agnostics. Out of that 80% I do firmly believe there's a large portion of Christians who are agnostic but simply claim to be christian because of the environment they grew up in.Blue-SkyWell, you failed. Belief that the Bible, and all it contains, is literal, historically and scientifically true is a modern, 20th century movement that was started during the Protestant Reformation (it only became a wide-spread view when science became a more predominant view means of explaining things without God). "If the Bible isn't taken as literal fact, then the whole belief system falls apart" is a logically incoherent assumption. You clearly have no idea what Christians believe, or posit as "true." For the longest time, God, and the Bible, were not literal truths... merely truths people accepted out of faith (which was not am intellectual assent to dogma, but trust in a deity or teaching to be right and lead one to salvation/enlightenment/peace). They, like the Greeks they based a lot of their philosophy off of, understood the difference between "logos" or "truth that is sensed (by the senses and the faculty of reasoning)" and "mythos" or "truth that is hidden or mysterious (that is, only found through "religious experience," also known as "exstasis")."
No, but I don't think it was ever supposed to be taken literally.
I think the men who it wrote it, meant for others to take it literary.
I think it was taken literary
I think it's still taken literary
I think it's legitimacy was only challenged until people became more educated.
[QUOTE="Rikusaki"]Units of time are based on the the Earth's rotation and interaction with the Sun. Units of time are many and varied, of which the earth's rotation in relation to Sol is just one. The decay of a cesium atom is currently the best measure. You don't need Sol to measure 24 hours, i.e. a day; the very notion of time in a dynamic universe being bound to a single reference is frankly offensive.[QUOTE="Frame_Dragger"] Wow... as counter-creation pondering goes, that's truly inane. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in Genesis, but time passes with or without any single benchmark like a star.Frame_Dragger
I'm sure the guy who wrote the story of Genesis, 2000 years ago knew this. :roll:
[QUOTE="Rikusaki"]Units of time are based on the the Earth's rotation and interaction with the Sun. Units of time are many and varied, of which the earth's rotation in relation to Sol is just one. The decay of a cesium atom is currently the best measure. You don't need Sol to measure 24 hours, i.e. a day; the very notion of time in a dynamic universe being bound to a single reference is frankly offensive.[QUOTE="Frame_Dragger"] Wow... as counter-creation pondering goes, that's truly inane. Don't get me wrong, I don't believe in Genesis, but time passes with or without any single benchmark like a star.Frame_Dragger
I'm just saying that the units of time we use today have historically been based on the movement of the Sun and Moon, not radiation cycles of the cesium atom.
Units of time are many and varied, of which the earth's rotation in relation to Sol is just one. The decay of a cesium atom is currently the best measure. You don't need Sol to measure 24 hours, i.e. a day; the very notion of time in a dynamic universe being bound to a single reference is frankly offensive.[QUOTE="Frame_Dragger"][QUOTE="Rikusaki"] Units of time are based on the the Earth's rotation and interaction with the Sun.
I'm sure the guy who wrote the story of Genesis, 2000 years ago knew this. :roll:
I think you've missed the entire point, which is... normal I suppose.@Rikusaki: Nosh!t but since we're not living in caves or mud huts, that pic sucks at communicating your point.
@Rikusaki: Nosh!t but since we're not living in caves or mud huts, that pic sucks at communicating your point.Frame_Dragger
It made sense to God when he created the Sun on the fourth day. :P Maybe he did all the math beforehand! :o
He measured the precise mass, volume and distance from the Earth the Sun needed to be so that when the Earth rotated on its axis one time, it matched 1/4 the duration of time the Earth has existed before the Sun was created.
Did he have an atomic clock? :P
It's a mythical story as perceived by the Israelite culture. It was used as a method to teach and show their understanding of God as they knew him. It's etiological, meaning it is meant to teach some theological point. Like most myth it may or may not have been based on some sort of true event, (such as a local flood). It may not be historically factual but it surely mythically factual and it teaches us a lot about the cultural understanding of Yahweh. ferrari2001Well put.
God can make supernatural events happen. He can make a supernatural event for a man to build an ark. A supernatural force for 2 of every animal to board an ark. A supernatural event to flood the world, which in some Christian religions, symbolizes "this terrestrial planet being baptized by water." This isn't science or nature. This is God. This is supernatural forces, supernatural power, breaking the laws of physics and science. God can do it. Yes, I do accept it as fact.wiifan001
Just for clarification:
You believe it is possible to fit hundreds and thousands of animals onto an ark and all of the food that each is required to eat?
And that all animals derive from one pair of each?
And that sea creatures didn't become extinct from the dilution of salt water?
Just curious, I've never met someone that believed in it.
Why are most religions the same? And why do all think their branch is the true branch? Every time I think about it, it becomes more and more asburd.Mcspanky37
Same said about anything...A person always believes something...and that person will always believe their way is the right way.
Its not only people that believe in religions that do...science, athiesm, egocentrism, religion, nothing....
[QUOTE="Mcspanky37"]Why are most religions the same? And why do all think their branch is the true branch? Every time I think about it, it becomes more and more asburd.NodakJo2010
Same said about anything...A person always believes something...and that person will always believe their way is the right way.
Its not only people that believe in religions that do...science, athiesm, egocentrism, religion, nothing....
What you said is stupid. A scientist who believes their right won't believe that way if another scientist proves him wrong. Unlike the religious, scientists use evidence for and against something. They don't have to "believe" that what they're saying is true. They prove it with empirical evidence.[QUOTE="NodakJo2010"]
[QUOTE="Mcspanky37"]Why are most religions the same? And why do all think their branch is the true branch? Every time I think about it, it becomes more and more asburd.Diophage
Same said about anything...A person always believes something...and that person will always believe their way is the right way.
Its not only people that believe in religions that do...science, athiesm, egocentrism, religion, nothing....
What you said is stupid. A scientist who believes their right won't believe that way if another scientist proves him wrong. Unlike the religious, scientists use evidence for and against something. They don't have to "believe" that what they're saying is true. They prove it with empirical evidence.What you said is stupid. A scientist who believes their right won't believe that way if another scientist proves him wrong. Unlike the religious, scientists use evidence for and against something. They don't have to "believe" that what they're saying is true. They prove it with empirical evidence.[QUOTE="Diophage"]
Same said about anything...A person always believes something...and that person will always believe their way is the right way.
Its not only people that believe in religions that do...science, athiesm, egocentrism, religion, nothing....
[QUOTE="Diophage"] What you said is stupid. A scientist who believes their right won't believe that way if another scientist proves him wrong. Unlike the religious, scientists use evidence for and against something. They don't have to "believe" that what they're saying is true. They prove it with empirical evidence.
Anybody can change their belief system...it happens all the time...I guess I figured most people took it as common sense that people can change, but if you want a point for pointing a hole in my argument fine. +1 to you.
I didn't prove your point at all. I just proved how full of holes your point is.[QUOTE="Diophage"]
I'm stupid because your belief is the right way...I don't care you use science or not...You just proved my point.NodakJo2010
Anybody can change their belief system...it happens all the time...I guess I figured most people took it as common sense that people can change, but if you want a point for pointing a hole in my argument fine. +1 to you.
Except science is not a belief system.
[QUOTE="Diophage"]I didn't prove your point at all. I just proved how full of holes your point is.
Anybody can change their belief system...it happens all the time...I guess I figured most people took it as common sense that people can change, but if you want a point for pointing a hole in my argument fine. +1 to you.
Except science is not a belief system.
Do you believe it?
Anybody can change their belief system...it happens all the time...I guess I figured most people took it as common sense that people can change, but if you want a point for pointing a hole in my argument fine. +1 to you.
Except science is not a belief system.
Do you believe it?
You're missing the point. Because it's factual, I don't have to.
Except science is not a belief system.
Do you believe it?
You're missing the point. Because it's factual, I don't have to.
Lol I don't care whats right or wrong...again...Obviously you believe science is right...you're just being defensive about it because you know I'm right that you are right.
And again to you sir good night lol.
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